Today I had the wonderful opportunity to work on a horse for the first time. She is an 18 year old mare who had given birth a month ago.
Her problem related to blood pooling in various parts of her body and around her teat area, but the vet was having trouble working out what was causing this. I was asked to help her out in the hope that I could release whatever was causing it.
This horse was recently adopted (I didn’t know this until after the first session), and I identified several imbalances which occurred at around the age of 12, which was before she was adopted. I have a feeling this horse suffered some trauma at around this age, and I managed to clear various energies relating to this.
I could also see some red “blobs” in her energy field, so I plan to go in after two days to take a closer look – maybe I need to clear these blobs in order to help facilitate healing for her! We shall see!
It turns out that this beautiful creature was too far gone before I had the chance to help her to physically heal, and she had to be put down yesterday as she was just too sick. I later found out that the horse had been attempting to wean her colt early, as she “knew” she was going to die. It’s so sad! 🙁
At the very least, I hope the few sessions I was able to do on her have helped her transition more easily over the rainbow bridge, as she was no longer carrying the weight of her previous trauma when she went.
RIP beautiful girl.
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