What’s the best way to lose weight?
The best way to lose weight (in my opinion of course!) is Soul Realignment for Weight Loss.
This modality can absolutely help you to lose weight and keep it off, and I personally believe that this modality works so well because it gets to the root cause of why your body is holding onto excess weight in the first place!
New year, new me?
With yet another year coming to an end, you may be thinking about what next year will bring, and you’ll be seeing plenty of “New year, new me!” type articles and posts around the place too.
If you’re like most people, you may have overdone things in the food department, and underdone things in the exercise department, right?
That’s ok though – you’re allowed to have some fun, and this only becomes a problem when the unsupportive habits you picked up during the break take hold.
Next you notice that you’re left with a lovely roll around the middle that you’re sure wasn’t there a month ago!
How will Soul realignment help me to lose weight?
Soul Realignment will help you to lose weight by getting to the root cause of why your body is holding onto the excess weight, as mentioned above.
What may surprise you is that this root cause may relate to an event which happened either several past lives ago or earlier during this lifetime.
Everybody is different, but what you will learn during this session is that you’re not carrying excess weight for no reason!
What happens during a Soul Realignment for Weight Loss Session?
We you book your Soul Realignment for Weight Loss Session, you will be asked a series of questions. The reason for this is so that I have a complete understanding of what’s going on for you right now in relation to your weight.
This is your opportunity to explain to me what’s going on with your body, how your weight is affecting your energy levels and your health, as well as how it’s affecting your emotional state. The emotional state is normally hardest hit, and the health issues aren’t far behind!
Once I have received this information from you, and before we meet for our session, I will connect to your Akashic Records and will spend 1-2 hours within the Records to determine the following:
- If I have not done so already, I will review certain aspects of your Soul to ensure that I am able to conduct this type of reading for you (some Souls cannot be read for). If I am unable to connect to your Soul’s Akashic Records, you will receive a full refund.
- I will also determine your strengths, weaknesses, your gifts, and other aspects of your Soul Blueprint so I can understand more about who you are as a person. This will help me to make sure that I deliver your session to you in a way which will help you to better receive the message.
- Next, I will group all of the issues you provided upon booking, into “Situations”.
- Once I have your Situtations documented, I will retrieve information from the Akashic Records about which blocks and restrictions are causing or contributing to each Situation. This gives some really strong clues as to how we can resolve them in the future!
- The blocks and restrictions will usually have a “story” attached to them, and I will also retrieve this information so I can explain to you which choices you made in the past (including past lives), which are causing you problems in this lifetime.
- I will then conduct an energetic clearing within the Akashic Records before our Zoom call.
The Zoom call
Once I have completed my research, it’s time for us to chat so that I can explain to you what I have found within your Akashic Records! I never get bored of my client’s reaction when I explain to them what happened in a past life and how it’s playing out in this life (so far it’s always been spot on!), and once you have this knowledge, it’s the very first step to healing!
The next step in this process is to “Read your future”!
When you booked your Soul Realignment for Weight Loss Session, I asked you how much weight you would like to lose and when, so that I could have an understanding of what your main goal is. This is important because it’s like the saying goes: “If you aim at nothing, you will hit the target every time”…
So during our call I will ask you give me one word to describe how you would feel once you have lost the weight and you now have the body you want. This is VERY important!
During our call I will connect again to your Akashic Records to find more information, which includes:
- Your Vibrational Bandwidth and your Vibrational Plasticity – this helps me to determine your capacity for change. It also helps me to help you to choose new choices and actions which align to these measures, so you don’t feel overwhelmed or unable to start on your new and exciting journey!
- Next, I will ask the Akashic Records if your manifestation is possible within the timeframe you have provided. If it’s not, we will either modify the timeframes until we get a “yes”, or we may have to modify the intention until we get that “yes”.
- After this I will check the Records to see if your current life choices are moving you toward or away from your inention.
- We will then look at whether there are any worries or fears of undesired outcomes which could be preventing you from moving forward on your weight loss journey and whether they’re even possible, based on where you are at the present moment.
- We will then look at actions you may already be taking, and any possible actions which you have thought of, which could move you closer to your intended weight loss goal. We will determine if they are “right” for you and how much each action will move you toward your desired outcome.
- Finally, we’ll put together a plan to help you move forward. You will also receive some “homework” from me to embed the energetic clearing process I completed before our call.
Also included with this session is a free 15 minute catchup call which can be redeemed any time within 60 days after your session.
Soul Realignment for weight loss
Soul Realignment for Weight Loss is quite a big session and the call is recorded so you can refer back to it later. After our session you will receive an email with the following:
- Your 21 days of clearing homework (don’t worry – it’s just 1-2 minutes per day!)
- A link to download your session recording (you will have two weeks to do so)
- Information about the types of direct and indirect actions we discussed, that you may want to take to make the clearing work “stick”.
Bookings or questions
If you’re interested in booking a Soul Realignment for Weight Loss Session or if you have any questions, please reach out or click on the button below to book.
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