Forgiveness is a tough pill to swallow when you’re feeling resentment, hate or whatever, towards another person who you feel “did you wrong”.
How can you forgive another who has caused you immense pain? It just doesn’t seem possible!
You see, we cannot grow if we do not experience adversity in some way. Sometimes we get hit hard with something really terrible, and sometimes the challenges are a little easier to deal with. But every single experience has contributed to our inner growth.
Forgiveness is not about condoning what the other person did. Instead, it’s about setting yourself free.
If you’re holding onto those negative or “heavy” emotions, you will get sick. It’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die! Isn’t that nuts?? Why would you hang onto something that can only hurt you??
So let’s try and look at it like this…
- Forgiveness is for you – not them!
- Look for the lessons in the experience – try to find the positive in every situation
- Everybody is on their own path. To do what they did, they must be in immense emotional pain – can you put yourself in their shoes and gain some understanding behind why they’ve been so hateful/cruel/whatever?
- Could it be that you were supposed to experience this tragedy for the greater good of yourself or others in the future (sacred contracts)?
- Could it be possible that if you can allow these heavy emotions to slip away, that your illness may go away?
I’ve worked with and read about so many people suffering with serious illnesses who managed to begin healing once they were able to embrace forgiveness. It wasn’t an easy road, but it’s certainly a much lighter, love-filled road, that we are all capable of – we just need to make the choice to do the work to get there.
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