My personal Soul Story
The great thing about being a healer or practitioner of any modality, is that we get to work on ourselves too. Soul Realignment is so far the most powerful of any of the modalities I’ve ever worked with. It’s also the most fascinating!
Digging into past lives and learning why I do what I do, feel what I feel, or think the way I think, has really helped me to understand how these old patterns are playing out. Most importantly, it helps me to understand how I can shift them – and that’s the most powerful part!
What can I see in the Akashic Records?
When I do a Soul Realignment and connect to the Akashic Records, I am only going to be shown what a person’s Soul is ready for me to see – what they’re ready to look at. It won’t show me absolutely everything in one go because when I do my clearing work, the Soul doesn’t want the physical body to short-circuit! This is why it’s a good idea to have a period of time between sessions, if you choose to have more than one!
My Soul Story
For fear of boring you too much, I am going to summarise my Soul Story, but it’ll give you an idea of how this works!
Who I am as a soul
- I am all about common sense and logic
- If things don’t make sense or are logical, I may get rather frustrated by that!
- I am quite intuitive, and I channel messages from the other side while talking to or working with people
- I don’t like being around people who are irrational
- I tend to be reclusive if and when I see the world to be not making sense! Ha! This is sooo true!
- I would make an excellent coach, apparently!
- I am really good at finding a solution. I can work out the easiest way to get from A to B. That’s one of my biggest gifts!
- I am here to help raise the positivity of those around me
- Unfortunately, I often surround myself with people who would prefer to stay “negative”, which can be frustrating for me
- I love to give to people, to help them, and I don’t fall prey to egoic attachment
- Sometimes I give less focus to my own goals than I do for others (which I need to work on)
- I need to be very careful of not allowing my energy to be depleted. If I am around negative people too much, this can happen!
This made complete sense to me, especially the last point! I have noticed over the years that if I spent too much time around people with a negative outlook on life, it literally sucked the life out of me!
Three vows were made
Here’s where things get a little juicy! It also explains a lot of why I found myself in certain situations throughout my life!
- Three lifetimes ago I was incarnated as a female
- I caught a dodgy priest doing something he should not have been doing
- A nun came by and saw that I had seen what had happened, and swore me to silence – a vow of silence (I believe some threats were made)
- A short time later in that life I was forced to join the convent after it was found that I was starting to speak out about what I had seen. Again threats were made. I was forced to swear an oath of chastity and a vow of poverty
Ok, so as you can see, there was one specific event which created a number of vows. So let’s see how this has played out for me in this life!
How this affects my life now
I have done so much work on myself in this lifetime, that thankfully there wasn’t too much left to do, but this Soul story really made sense! The following points will give you a picture of how this looks for me now:
- I really don’t like “organised religion” and I don’t trust the nuns or the priests, but I never knew why! Now it all makes sense!
- I have always struggled to be “seen”, to speak out and shine, to show the world who I truly am (my vow of silence may have something to do with that!). Yes I can talk a lot and I can be loud, but very few people would get to see the “real” me.
- During my first two marriages, I constantly went without so my husband could have whatever he wanted. I see the vow of chastity has played out as “going without the pleasures in life” in order to appease another!
- I have always held myself back (until recently that is), and again I never knew why I was so afraid to put myself out there, and this was preventing me from building my healing business, which is something I am really passionate about.
“How many of us are playing small because we’re still running past life patterns?”
My actions for the future
My Soul Story really helped me to see where I was holding myself back in this life, and it was actually a simple process for me to come up with a few actions:
- Allow myself to be seen. Yes, it will feel uncomfortable, but that is proof that I am no longer running in alignment with that old pattern
- It’s ok to receive and to do nice, pleasurable things for me. In the past I would feel a bit guilty about doing things for myself. Not anymore!
- It’s ok to promote my business! I need to remember this as I deal with the “terror” I feel whenever I do this! No more passively waiting for my clients to come to me!
Soul Realignment
If you’re interested in having a Soul Realignment, or you’d like to know more information, check out my Soul Realignment page, or Contact me!
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