How much do you want things to change?
There are a lot of people who consciously want their life to change, but on a subconscious level, it’s a whole other story!
We create through choice
We create our life circumstances through the choices that we make, and those choices are made based on the patterns we are running. These patterns were often created during a past life (based on the choices we made in that life), or earlier in your present life.
If your life isn’t quite what you’d like it to be, it could be that you have been making choices based on “negative” patterns which you are running. By the way, “negative” for you may not be negative for somebody else!
If you truly want your life to change, you will need to start making choices which are not aligned with your negative patterns, and it’s not necessarily going to feel “easy” either! In fact, it’ll most likely feel very uncomfortable!
Stepping out of your comfort zone
This discomfort is a sign that you are stepping out of your comfort zone.
If you’ve been running negative patterns and making choices based on those patterns, this will be within your comfort zone – in many cases the choices will feel “right” or comfortable to you.
What happens in a Soul Realignment
In a Soul Realignment, I access your Akashic Records to identify these negative patterns which may be contributing to your current life situation, and I complete some clearing work prior to our session, to start off the healing process.
When we meet, I explain to you what I have found, and I talk you through how these negative patterns may be playing out in your life and causing you to make choices which are perpetuating the negative circumstances in your life.
We then discuss some actions you could take in order to break the negative patterns, and therefore create new circumstances in your life.
Without these actions, you will continue to re-create the same life circumstances. So even though I give you some clearing homework to do for 21 days after our session, it will only get you so far. If you don’t take these actions, your future choices will continue to be based on the negative patterns and therefore keep creating the circumstances you are wanting to move away from.
It’s like the definition of insanity: Making the same choices over and over again and expecting a different result.
Will change happen for me?
It’s just not going to happen unless you’re prepared to experience some discomfort in the short term as you make different choices!
You could always do nothing and continue tolerating circumstances which feel bad to you, or you could get uncomfortable for a short while as you shift these negative patterns so that they don’t repeat.
If you’re not prepared to change your actions, how much do you want things to change? I’d guess, very little!
We all have free will, so of course it’s completely up to you!
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