Embrace Change and Rewrite Your Life Story
If you’re not happy with where you are in life, then there’s no time like now to rewrite your life story! The only problem with this for some, is that this requires change. So we’re going to embrace change while we’re at it!
Most of the people I work with have some aspect of their life that they aren’t happy about, which is why I guess they come to me!
Most of us live our lives on autopilot, so it’s easier than we think to get caught up in the same old, repeating self-sabotaging patterns. Before we know it, we’re looking back on our lives and wondering where we went wrong!
I am all about helping you to rewrite your life story, and like my clients, you may have found yourself situations such like these:
- Your health is suffering;
- You’re not able to manifest financial abundance;
- You’re single and wanting to find love, but you haven’t had any luck, or your current relationships are a mess;
- You feel lost and unfulfilled; or
- Your career is in the ditches, or your business is struggling.
The first step to rewrite your life story
To rewrite your life story you must first learn to embrace change. Without change, nothing changes! Funny that!
Change is a funny creature though, because your lower self or “ego” doesn’t want you to change. To change is “unsafe”, and your ego will do everything within its power to make sure you stay safe!
So you stay stuck, self sabotaging your progress through procrastination or misaligned choices, leaving you back where you started – or worse off!
The first step to rewrite your life story is to first decide what you want you story to say! You must get extremely clear on what you actually want, and why you want it.
Sometimes you will “think” you want something, but instead you want something else. For example, somebody may want $100,000 in the bank. But what they REALLY want is what that money can buy them. So it’s not the money they want at all!
Once you have clarity around what you want, then it’s time to move onto the next step.
The second step to rewrite your life story
Once we have some clarity around what we want, it’s time to dig deep into what having that thing would FEEL like. What emotions will you experience once you are now living your new life? How will you feel in the moment? What will you be doing? Who will you associate with?
Visualise with emotions to give power to your new life story!
The final step
Once you have your clear intention and you’re able to visualise your desire, feeling the emotions of having that desire manifest, it’s time to take action. It’s time to DO something different.
If you keep doing what you were doing yesterday, you’re not going to change a single thing in your present or in your future. Your story cannot be rewritten with the exact same script that is has now!
So it is now time to brainstorm what you can DO differently, starting right this moment. What little actions can you take that will take you closer to your goals? What would “future you” do? Pretend you’re that person who is living the new life story and see what they were doing in the lead up to the manifestation of their desires.
Sometimes this step can require a lot of guesswork, but if you have a copy of your Soul Blueprint and your Manifesting Blueprint handy, you can make sure the new actions align with who you are as a Soul and are more likely to create more of what you want. If you don’t have this, it can still be done – it’s just a bit of trial and error required!
Rewrite your life story
Once you have applied all three steps above, your life story has no choice but to be re-written – it has to change if you have changed! As you embrace the change, you begin to think and feel differently, and you begin to do different things. You’re automatically creating a new story.
Your journey is going to be unique, and the pages of your future can either look similar to the story they tell now, or they can begin to reflect a future that feels AMAZING!
If you’d like some help to get out of your own way and upgrade your life so it looks more like a best-seller than a B grade novel, then check out the Soulful Manifesting Program. And then if the information on that page interests you, be sure to book a discovery call!
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