Xmas Deal
If your 2022 kind of sucked and you would really love 2023 to be a gazillion times better, then you probably want to keep reading, because right up until Christmas Day, I’m offering a whopping $100 AUD off my Life Situation Readings! That’s more than 50% off! WOAH!!!
Here’s what a Life Situation Reading is all about
A Life Situation Reading addresses specific situations you’re experiencing in your life which may be causing you some (or a lot of!) discomfort.
While we don’t delve as deep into your Soul Profile with this type of reading, I will still retrieve some information about your Soul to help me to identify the best way forward for you.
- Before our session, I will spend up to two hours reviewing your Akashic Records.
- I will complete a basic Divine Soul Blueprint reading, which outlines who you are as a Soul, including your gifts, your strengths, your weaknesses and anything else about your Soul which may give me some clues about what’s happening in any life area (you may have problems only one life area, or several – and we can usually address all of it in this session).
- I identify any blocks and restrictions* which are contributing to the issues you’re experiencing in your present life in these life areas. These can include imprints, beliefs, illusions, karma and more.
- Once all blocks and restrictions have been identified, I put together your Soul Story around these issues.
- I then conduct an energetic clearing in preparation for our meeting.
- Our call will be 30-60 minutes long, and I will talk you through what I found, how the blocks and restrictions are playing out in your life now
- I will then explain your Soul Story, which will explain for you why you have created these blocks and restrictions and how they are now playing out in your life now.
- Together we will come up with an action plan to identify each block or restriction, in order to “break the pattern” of choice you have been carrying most likely for a very long time – even lifetimes!
- You will receive a 21 day clearing homework to complete after our session to embed the clearing I completed before our call.
*Blocks and restrictions are created when we make specific choices which do not align to our Divine Soul Blueprint. These blocks and restrictions often originate in a past life and are carried through into this life and play out in ways which may surprise you!
Does this interest you?
If a Life Situation Reading appeals to you, click on the button below to book!
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