While out on my daily walk yesterday, I was listening to Andy Shaw’s audiobook, “Using a Bug Free Mind”, when he brought up parallel realities. After that the little hamster in my brain went nuts! What he said made so much sense and it links in to everything else that I teach!
So today I am going to attempt to explain this to you so that you too can understand it, because it’s freaking powerful! I promise that if you’ve got no understanding of parallel realities, your brain will probably explode, but it’s really powerful stuff!
How parallel realities are created
To explain how parallel realities are created, I will use Sally as my example. Sally has her own business, but she’s not picking up any new clients. She’s thinking she may need to close the business and get a job, because her finances are getting really tight.
She’s come to me and signed up for the Soulful Manifesting Program, and she now has a clear intention in mind and a potential way forward, that also aligns with her at Soul level.
For simplicity’s sake, let’s say she has three options (she probably has 100’s of options, but this would make my lovely drawing a little too complex, so let’s stick with three!):
- Keep going as she is with the business and hope things improve.
- Shut down the business and get a job.
- Focus on her intention to build a financially successful business.
Whenever we are faced with a choice, a parallel reality is automatically created, which represents a version of you that has already made that choice. Because Sally has three options (or more, as mentioned earlier), she has literally created three parallel realities for those choices. A version of Sally is present in each of them.
I know this stuff is complex and I still struggle to get my head around it but stick with me!
Each of the arrows in this image represents each path Sally could take, and therefore the theme of each reality that a version of Sally is present in.
Sally makes her decision
Ok, so let’s say Sally really wants her business to thrive. I’ve guided her through the process of setting an intention in the correct format (there is a “good” way and a “bad” way to set intentions!), and she has a high level idea of each of the steps she needs to take to build a financially successful business.
However… Sally is a human (aren’t we all??), and even though she really wants to make her business a success, she still ponders her other two options of continuing with the business as it is, or shutting it down and getting a job. Getting a job would take the pressure off, but she knows a job will not fulfill her like her business does.
So she may waver between all three options, and that looks like this wiggly line (I should have become an artist!):
Where is her focus?
To create ANYTHING in your life, you must be vibrationally aligned to it. You cannot create anything unless you have that vibrational alignment.
What this means for Sally is that right now, she’s vibrationally aligned with a struggling business, and of course, she doesn’t want that!
So we use the TEAM Formula (this is covered in the Soulful Manifesting Program as well as the Aligned Wisdom Community (coming soon) to help her to understand why she’s not creating what she wants. We then use it to shift things vibrationally so she comes into alignment with a thriving business.
As Sally thinks about each possible outcome, that’s where her energy is going. The wavy line in the picture represents her thoughts moving from one possiblity to the other.
What’s really important for Sally to do right now is attempt to keep her thoughts only on the third option (focus on her intention), as it brings up the positive emotions associated with having that intention appear in her reality.
To add some complexity to this example, if Sally wishes to create something NEW (a financially successful business), then she will also need to DO something NEW, which aligns with:
- Her Soul Blueprint
- Her Manifesting Blueprint
- Her intention to build a financially successful business
- The energetic quality of achieving success
Eventually, if she does things the right way, Sally will shift into vibrational alignment with her desire, and this is the moment when she will achieve the MANIFESTATION of her desire! Yay!
Vibrational alignment isn’t an instant thing, and it can feel quite “messy” as you shift out of where you were and into where you want to go – but it’s totally worth the outcome!
Where to from here?
I know this information is complex, although once you have a good understanding of the power of your thoughts, your emotions and your actions, you’ll be creating parallel realities that are more aligned with your desires than with what you don’t want!
Soulful Manifesting
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