Why you need to take responsibility
Today I’m going to talk about why you need to take responsibility for what’s going on in your life.
If I had $1 for every time I came across a person who was blaming another person, “demons”, entities, or something outside of themselves as the cause of their problems, I would be a very rich woman!
I completely disagree that their problems were caused by these external forces and I’m sure I’m about to upset a few people, but I want to explain why I disagree. It’s important that you have another perspective to ponder, especially if you’re on the “blaming” side of the fence and your life currently sucks! Your current perspective might actually be a huge part of the problem!
I came across a post in a group the other day, where it was implied that depression is caused by “entities whispering negative messages into your ear”.
My first thought was “What a load of crap!”, but of course, I didn’t say that exactly, but I felt I needed to comment on this post. I felt it was important to help prevent others from falling into this negative “blame” trap! Because that’s what it is – a trap!
Why I know you need to take responsibility
This isn’t actually a post about who’s to blame for your problems though. It’s more about why you need to stop blaming other people or things for those problems!
You see, you’re in 100% vibrational alignment with your current circumstances. If your circumstances suck, then you’re in alignment with that too! Nobody can “make” you align with something you don’t like, and nobody can make you shift your vibrational alignment so it matches something else. Only YOU have the power to do that.
No other human, alien, demon, or situation can make you shift into alignment with being depressed, broke, injured, or sick.
How do you get into alignment with something?
How you get into alignment with ANYTHING, is through what I call the TEAM Formula, and most of us do this unconsciously. T+E+A=M:
- Your THOUGHTS (this includes your beliefs)
- Your EMOTIONS (how you feel)
- Your ACTIONS (what you do)
- Your MANIFESTATION (what you create)
If you think or believe that you can go into depression because some spirit is whispering nasty things in your ear, then your emotions will align with that belief, and you will act accordingly. So this will become your manifestation!
On the other hand, if you think or believe that you can get to a really happy place in your life, your emotions will align with that thought and you will act accordingly. You will then manifest a situation or an event where you feel happy.
I have been in that very dark place
Now, before you can say that I am downplaying your horrible situation, I want you to understand that my life hasn’t always been as wonderful as it is now. In fact, my early 20’s were horrible!
I was depressed and suicidal, and I can honestly tell you that there were no evil spirits whispering in my ear! Instead I blamed the man I happened to be married to at the time!
It wasn’t until I opened my eyes and understood that the only person who had the power to change my situation was me and that he was never going to change, that I began to think differently. From there my emotions shifted, and then I took action and I finally left.
THAT was how I created more happiness for myself. I didn’t make him do anything differently! I was no longer vibrationally congruent to my crappy situation, so I HAD to create a new and happier situation!
I can’t work with a client who won’t take responsibility
When doing my Akashic Records work, I only work with clients who are prepared to take 100% responsiblity for their current situation.
The reason for this is firstly because only YOU have the power to shift your own vibrational frequency into one that matches what you want. If your life sucks, then whatever you’re thinking, feeling, and doing is creating alignment with that.
If you’re blaming an entity for your depression, then that’s because you think/believe it’s true, your emotions are aligned with that truth, and your actions match those thoughts and beliefs, so now you have this external force dictating how you feel.
If it’s an external force doing this, and you have zero ability to force someone/something else to change, then how can you create a new reality? You have no power because you’ve given it to that evil spirit!
So that’s why I won’t work with a person who thinks their problems lie outside of them. I would much rather work with a person who is prepared to own the fact that they have created through their own vibrational frequency, and they want to learn how to shift that vibration so it better matches an experience that they want. In other words, they KNOW they create their experience and want to learn how to create something that they want, instead of what they don’t want.
An example of a person who will not take responsibility
This is actually my story, and it’s probably one that many of you could relate to in some way.
I used to work in a job that was literally sucking the life out of me. I often worked long hours, more and more work was being thrown my way, and I was feeling really stressed. Although I was receiving compliments from senior management at the top of the “food chain”, one of my other managers was implying that I wasn’t doing enough. Clearly being one person doing two jobs wasn’t enough! Ugh!!
I was thinking negative thoughts about the job, I felt frustrated, I felt resentful, and I was really starting to hate it there. I eventually stopped going above and beyond, and I lost all motivation to do my very best. My health was starting to suffer, and I felt miserable.
What type of reality do you think I was creating for myself?
An example of a person who WILL take responsibility
After a while, I realised that I had been in a similar situation with the same employer (different departments) on two other occasions in previous years.
I also remembered that I had created this!
I was forced to take a long, hard look at what was happening and I wanted to know why had I created this scenario THREE times??? What was the message for me here?
I dug out my Soul Blueprint and compared it against the elements of my job, and I wasn’t surprised to learn that the job and the work environment were in complete disharmony with who I was as a Soul (I already knew this on some level, so this was really just a confirmation that I was very much in the wrong place)! I dug deeper into my Akashic Records and found that I was in a number of negative energy exchanges with my employer too! I also found several blocks and restrictions that aligned to the energies of “sacrifice”, “suffering”, and more! No wonder I wasn’t happy!
It became very clear to me that I needed to look at my options. Staying where I was, wasn’t one of them!
This was tough as it meant that I might have to consider giving up the “security” that had come with my job. On the other hand, I had a business that was my passion, and ultimately what I wanted to do in my future! I absolutely LOVE what I do, but I had been waiting for the “right time” to step into this full-time, and I wasn’t really sure if now was the right time!?
So… I got to work on my Action Plan before I decided what to do!
The Action Plan
As I’d already done my Akashic Records research, I already knew how I am wired to create. This was my starting point. I was able to confirm that my business was in alignment with my Soul Blueprint. So I then needed to come up with some new actions that aligned with my Blueprint.
I started writing out my action plan, which included quitting the Soul-sucking job, and several personal and business-related actions as well.
Within the Akashic Records, I was able to test each proposed action to ensure it was aligned with my Soul Blueprint and with my intention to build a successful business doing what I love.
If the intended action wasn’t aligned, I would cut it out. If it was aligned, I would measure the % impact the new action would have on helping me to achieve my business goal.
If I had sat around blaming management for my crappy job situation, would I now be doing what I love and what I’m passionate about? NO WAY!
Instead, I looked at how I was creating the problem, and I did something to counteract that.
But what about management?
The management where I worked had nothing to do with any of this apart from the fact that they were the “messengers”, and a reflection of where my energy was at.
I was creating a crappy scenario because I didn’t like the job. My thoughts aligned with that, and so did my emotions. My actions followed shortly after and before long, management noticed something!
I was never aligned to that job at Soul level (and subconsciously I KNEW it), but I was there to learn this very long and annoying lesson! I don’t regret staying there for as long as I did because the income from that job helped my family and I through some very tough times in a financial sense. So it had a purpose, which is why I guess I put up with being unhappy for so long.
I also found that the additional clarity I achieved through my Akashic Records research helped me to come to a decision to leave the job too. BEST. DECISION. EVERRRR! 😀
What’s next?
If you truly want to improve your life and you want to create a completely new experience, then you’ve got to stop handing your power over to others. There is no point sitting around and waiting for something outside of yourself to magically change.
If you would like some help doing that, I will explain how I can help you in a moment.
What to do if you think you have a problem with “entities”
If you think you have a problem with “entities” or the like, the first thing I want to remind you of is that you create what you think about. If you believe this can happen, then you’re right. I don’t believe this can happen, so I’m also right. Which version of “right” would you like to have?
I can’t “make” you change a belief, but if you want to shine a light on this, maybe start doing some research and see what you find.
In the meantime, if you are faced with somebody implying that an external force is the cause of your problems, sit with that information and notice how that feels in your body. If you feel fear, restriction, or any other negative emotion, then it’s not true.
Take responsibility and start manifesting your desires
If your life isn’t going as well as you’d like, then maybe you’ve veered off your path. Maybe your thoughts, your emotions and your actions are misaligned with what you wish to create. Or maybe you’re just feeling stuck or not sure what’s next.
The Soulful Manifesting Program takes you through the process of learning who you are at Soul level, to using that knowledge to manifest your desires.
Soulful Manifesting
Find out what it takes to manifest your greatest desires!
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