Why people stay stuck in crappy situations
Until I experienced it myself, I never understood why people stay stuck in crappy situations, why a woman would stay in an abusive relationship, or why somebody would stay in a job that they hate.
There are so many examples of people tolerating a situation that they don’t like, and one has to ask, “Why don’t you just get out??”.
The answer isn’t that easy, and it confirms for me why so many people are unable to manifest the incredible lives that they desire.
Why people stay stuck in crappy situations
There are a gazillion reasons why people stay stuck in crappy situations and it’s more than what I can cover here. But I will work from my own experience in the hope that it helps you to understand why this happens.
Here are are some reasons (and this is by no means an exhaustive list) of why people stay stuck in crappy situations:
Fear of making the wrong decision
For many people, the fear of making the wrong decision – and creating an experience that’s much worse than the one they’re in – is why they stay stuck.
This is a fear of the unknown – you don’t know what result your new choice is going to create, and what if the result is bad??
Change feels uncomfortable
I think it was Tony Robbins I heard say in general, people make choices in order to gain pleasure or to avoid pain. When you’re staying stuck, you’re in that “avoid pain” cycle, which unfortunately creates more pain, because you’re still stuck in that crappy situation!
Even if you’re making a change to get out of a crappy situation that you KNOW will make your life better, it will still feel uncomfortable, and many people can’t handle that discomfort.
So what do they do? They do nothing, so they can avoid that discomfort!
They’re unable to see a way out
Sometimes, when you’re caught up in a crappy situation that feels horrible for you, it’s really difficult to see a way out.
You are so focused on the problem that the solution completely eludes you.
I found this when I was caught up in a toxic relationship. Everything felt hopeless and I just couldn’t see a way out of it.
Sometimes we have to wait for the crap to hit the fan!
Unfortunately, things have to get pretty bad before some people are brave enough to do anything about it. This could look like a big blowup at work, or it could look like the argument to end all arguments with your spouse before you’re finally ready to do something about it.
No matter what it is, the fear to make a positive change is so strong in these people that staying in the crappy situation must be perceived as more painful than staying in it, before they are ready to get out.
Manifesting in a positive way
In order to manifest anything new into your experience, you MUST make new choices. These choices will almost always feel uncomfortable.
I learned years ago that to make my life better, sometimes those choices were about eliminating the things (or the people!) that I didn’t feel good around. I also learned that the second I became aware that I was in a crappy situation was the second I needed to do something about it.
Staying in a crappy situation doesn’t serve anybody – especially you! And the longer you CHOOSE to stay there, the longer your situation will continue.
So to manifest in a positive way is to be clear about where you’re going, and make Soul-aligned choices to take you closer to that goal.
How do I know if my new choices are “soul-aligned”?
Making new choices, no matter how evolved you are, is going to be uncomfortable. It really doesn’t matter who you are! When you have this fear of making the wrong decision, this can feel almost paralysing – and it is for many – because you’re afraid you’ll end up worse off.
But what if there was a way to know in advance if a new choice is going to take you toward your desires? What if you had a “roadmap” to guide you along the way?
Well… there IS a way to know in advance if your new choice is “Soul-aligned”, and there IS a way to get your hands on the roadmap too! Read on to learn more!
Freebie: How Do I Manifest? Your Soul-Aligned Path to Creating An Incredible Life
Despite what many experts and gurus may have told you, manifesting doesn’t happen in the same way for everyone. Every person was created with their own unique qualities, strengths and gifts which form your Soul Blueprint, and in order to manifest, your choices need to align with that Blueprint.
Now, I don’t give the Blueprints away for free (it can take hours for me to complete my Akashic Records research for each person I read for!), but I DO have a free offer which may interest you!
Head over to https://findmysparkle.com/roadmap/ to get your copy!
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