Why manifesting programs don’t work for most people
I’ve always wondered by manifesting programs don’t work for most people. There are more “one size fits all” manifesting programs and courses out there than I could possibly poke a stick at. I’ve always been curious about why these programs seem to work for some people and not for others.
Have you ever noticed that?
Until recently, I just figured that those who weren’t manifesting what they want didn’t have the right mindset, or they weren’t following all of the steps, or maybe they had missed something?
How wrong I was!
Why manifesting programs don’t work
What I now understand is that we are all wired differently at Soul level. Because of this different wiring, what works for you may not work for me, and vice versa. In order to determine what manifesting process would work for you (and not everyone else), I would need to connect to your Akashic Records to find out how you “tick” in a manifesting sense, so that I could teach you the best way to go about manifesting what you want. When we act in alignment with our Manifesting Blueprint, we’re more likely to be successful.
The problem with manifesting programs in general
Many manifesting programs teach the exact same manifesting process to all participants, regardless of what their Manifesting Blueprint contains, because the person teaching the process probably doesn’t even know what a Manifesting Blueprint is! The problem with this is that while the process probably worked for the person teaching it, and while it may work for some of the people learning the process, it is unlikely to work for each participant.
This is because the steps being taught will resonate to one person’s Manifesting Blueprint, but not with another’s. These programs are not tailored to suit all people, so they cannot work for all people.
What is the solution?
For a manifesting program to work for everybody, it must be tailored to suit each individual. For years I’ve seen so many people (including myself) buying into the various manifesting programs on offer, and they end up falling flat on their face, or even worse off than when they started. Some people pay big money for these programs too, but they just do not work for everyone!
What is a manifesting blueprint exactly?
In order to have what you want, you must be vibrationally aligned to that thing. If you do not have that thing in your life right now, then you are not vibrationally aligned to it.
So in order to manifest what you want, you must shift your vibration into alignment with that thing. Sounds simple, right? And it is! But most of us go about attempting to make this shift in the wrong way, and we end up either repelling what we want completely, or we end up with just a fraction of what we were hoping for.
The Manifesting Blueprint is a compilation of information about your Soul which provides you with vital information about how you manifest. Having this information means that you will stop doing what is out of alignment with who you are as a Soul, and what’s not congruent to your Manifesting Blueprint, so that you can not only speed up the process of manifestation, but also create more of what you want and much less of what you don’t want!
If you join my manifesting program (coming soon!), you will receive your own personalised Manifesting Blueprint before you start, so you can start making things happen right away!
The Manifesting Blueprint (more on the program another time) includes:
- How you are designed to experience your Divinity in relationship to other people and your environment
- An understanding of what motivates you within the manifesting process, so you can put strategies in place to make sure you stick to the process and not give up
- Why or how you might self-sabotage during the manifesting process, so you can watch out for signs and course-correct immediately
- What you must focus on in order to manifest what you want
- How you are designed at Soul-level to shift from one vibrational state to another, so that you can manifest a new experience into your life
- A guide to determine what vibrational state you will need to shift into in order to manifest what you want
- You will understand how (and if) your external environment and other people affect your manifesting process, and of course I’ll talk you through how to deal with that!
- And more!
The Manifesting Blueprint itself will be sent to you as a PDF document and will become your “Manifesting Tool For Life”! You will be able to refer to this Blueprint whenever you want to manifest anything, no matter which life area your desires are a part of, so that you can give yourself the best chance of success.
Final words
So whether you want to manifest more money, a new car, your dream home or a loving relationship, having access to your own Manifesting Blueprint will be like having a roadmap to take you in the direction you wish to go!
As you can see, the manifesting process isn’t as simple as “Follow these steps and you can have everything you want”! It’s much more complicated than that.
If you’re really wanting to manifest a new experience into your life, please keep an eye on this page or subscribe to receive news and updates (there are various buttons and forms on this website) so that you will know when my manifesting program is launched.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or if you’d like to learn more about Soul Realignment in general, be sure to check out my Soul Realignment page or reach out to me so we can have a chat!
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