Why is it taking me so long to meet “the one”?
“Why is it taking me so long to meet the one?” is a common question asked by millions of women all over the world! This scenario doesn’t discriminate either. You could be the most perfect woman in the world (is there such a thing??) but the problem still remains – meeting “the one” seems like the impossible dream!
I found myself single again after my second marriage ended in 2010 and it became very clear to me that the single women around me were really struggling to meet anyone “decent”. Once I had finally worked things out, I found myself with the opposite problem – I had several very decent men booking me 3 weeks in advance, just to catch up for a drink after work! I even had to take “mancations”, just to take some time for myself!
Why were our experiences so completely different?
My first couple of years of adjusting to single life were a bit of a mess to say the least (more on that another time), but I did use this time wisely, to really look within and work out why I was having so much bad luck in the marriage department. And once I worked it out, things changed dramatically.
I learned where I had gone wrong in the past, and I learned a lot about my core beliefs and mindset and how they contributed to the results I was seeing. I also learned to always trust my gut, because it was sending me very clear messages all along, and until I worked this out, I had been ignoring those messages!
One thing I really need to get through to you is this:
Most men will NOT be your match!
This is true, ladies! Most men are far from being your match, but every single man you meet has a story, an interesting aspect of his life that you could benefit from learning about, or he could have just appeared in front of you to help you decide what you do not want!
You may meet a man who seems like the perfect man, but for some reason he doesn’t feel the same way about you. This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you – it means you’re not a match! If you’re the perfect peach and he doesn’t like peaches, you’re never going to bring that man in! But there is a man out there who absolutely LOVES peaches, and he’s the one you will be a match to!
Dating needs to be like this: You’re in training, you’re not hunting. If you’re hunting, the good guys will be turned off by it, so you need to let that go because if you’re hunting, you’re sending out very clear messages to the Universe that you are lacking something (a man), and what you get in return, is the lack of a man. Not the outcome you want, right?
So if you find yourself single right now, you’ve got to work on that belief about how there are no decent men out there. There are many decent men out there, but they’re not appearing in front of you because you’re not attracting them with aligned energy! Right now you’re sending out the “send no decent men to me please” message, which is what your energy is sending out.
Once you truly believe there are decent men out there, and you believe that to your core, he will appear. But you must be patient. Every time you fret about how long it’s taking, you are only creating more resistance to what you want.
During my Relationship Coaching sessions, I ask you to complete a questionnaire. This helps me to gain an understanding of any blocks you may have, which are preventing you from receiving what you desire in the romance department. I then determine exactly which core beliefs are active within your energy field, and if any of these beliefs are creating these blocks, I release them.
This process is repeated over several sessions, until we have released as much as we can. Many of my clients will feel a little “lighter” after each session, as these energetic blocks can be quite heavy!
If you’re interested in learning more about what a Relationship Coaching session involves, be sure to Contact Me!
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