Why haven’t you manifested what you want?
Why haven’t you manifested what you want? There is one reason why you have not manifested what you want, and the reason is that you are not vibrationally aligned with having whatever it is that you want.
If you made new “Manifesting-Blueprint aligned” choices to bring you into vibrational alignment with that thing, then it would show up.
So whenever you’re wondering why your desires aren’t showing up in your life, it’s simply because you’re not aligned to having it – yet!
Not achieving your goals or manifesting what you want doesn’t mean you’re worthy or undeserving of having what you want – it’s just that your current choices and actions are not moving you into vibrational alignment with your desires. It’s really that simple!
How we self sabotage
Rationalising why you haven’t manifested what you want
One thing I want you to remember right now is that the rationalisation that “I’m just not supposed to have this now” or “There’s a lesson I need to learn first” is completely untrue! I would personally say this to myself to help me to feel better, but that didn’t get me off the couch and working on a plan to align myself with my desires, did it??
If you have a desire for something, then it’s possible for you to have it, otherwise you wouldn’t want it, so be sure to keep that in mind.
You keep telling yourself “It’s coming”
I have felt this feeling that “It’s coming” many times, but that’s just my mind really buying into the experience of having what I desire.
It’s all well and good to have our mind aligned with that thing, but without taking NEW 3D (physical) action, we cannot attract what we want.
People who think “it’s coming”, often don’t think there’s anything left to do to attract that thing, but that’s sadly not true. New action must take place for that thing to finally appear in your experience.
Thinking that you’re already doing everything you need to do
Here’s the thing… if it’s not here yet, then you’re not doing what you need to do to bring that thing into your experience.
What if you’re taking a bunch of actions, none of which are aligned with your Manifesting Blueprint? You cannot manifest from that place! When you attempt to manifest out of alignment with who you are, you will create more mess than anything else!
Coming up with “additional” things you need to do first
Sometimes a person will add in new things they must complete first, before they’re able to have what they want, and that list could be a mile long! It’s just their way of expressing that they don’t think they deserve to have that thing, so they’ll focus on other stuff instead.
Changing your intention (intention hopping)
If you’re constantly changing your intention or changing your mind about what energy is attached to that intention, you might as well be at an archery convention, where somebody is picking up the targets and moving them around constantly so they’re almost impossible to hit.
When coming up with your intention you must be totally committed to achieving that goal, and be clear about the energy of having that goal, or you’ll keep missing the target, so to speak.
This form of self sabotage will often happen at the “messy” point between where you’ve been and where you want to go. It doesn’t feel good to be in that spot, so some people will shift and change as a means to reduce the discomfort.
When your choices align to your Manifesting Blueprint
Your Manifesting Blueprint is simply your roadmap to manifesting what you want. Most people are making choices and taking actions which are completely at odds with aspects of their Manifesting Blueprint, which is why they’ve not yet attracted what they want, so they end up heading in a completely different direction to where they want to go.
Some examples of misalignment to the Manifesting Blueprint
Below I am going to talk about some examples to give you some idea of why some manifesting advice is all wrong for some people.
- Join a mastermind group of like-minded people! This is a great idea for some people, and a terrible idea for others (myself included!)
- Make up a vision board so you can get clear on what you wish to manifest! This advice will work very well for some people, but for a person like me, it’s a terrible idea, and it just won’t work!
- Get yourself out there amongst other people! This one is NOT for people like me but it IS for many others!
- Take consistent action towards your goals! This is a me thing, but for some people, they must vary their actions in order to manifest.
- In order to succeed in business/life/whatever, you must come up with something new and innovative! For some people, yes this is true, but for me and those like me, then nope!
- You need to be the instigator of change, despite what your environment is telling you! Yes, for me that would be true, but for another person, they really need to respond based on what’s going on inside them and in their environment in order to manifest.
- You must focus on what you DO want! I personally had this all wrong! For somebody like me, yes, that is the way to go, but if you ask a person whose Manifesting Blueprint reflects differently on the scale, this will absolutely not work for them. If asked “What do you want?” they will often not be able to answer the question!
Why haven’t you manifested what you want?
As you can see, making new choices and taking new actions in order to create a new outcome isn’t as simple as “Take this new action and you can have what you want”. It’s much more complicated than that. The new action must align firstly with your Soul Blueprint (which we cover during all of my Soul Realignment readings/coaching sessions), and also in alignment with your Manifesting Blueprint, in order to move you in the right direction.
Having your Manifesting Blueprint as your very own manifesting tool gives you a great deal of power and ability to create what you want because it spells out for you what types of actions you should (and shouldn’t) be taking!
Of course you can manifest whatever you want without this tool, but why use trial and error to get there – why not have this on hand so that you can compare your proposed actions against your Manifesting Blueprint to save some time and effort?
Want to know more?
If you’d like to learn more about how to get your hands on your very own Manifesting Blueprint or if you’d like to have a chat, visit my Soul Realignment Page or reach out!
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