Why haven’t I manifested my desires?
“I’ve set my goal, I visualise every day, I write in my gratitude journal every day, and I do everything right, but I’ve still not attracted what I want. This stuff doesn’t work!”.
I hear this all the time and it’s no surprise that a person will begin to wonder if the Law of Attraction works, especially when they feel they’ve been doing everything right but nothing is happening.
Sally is feeling frustrated because everything she’s wanting to manifest is still feeling out of reach – even months after she started meditating, writing down her goals, visualising every day, writing her gratitudes every day, and the list goes on. Sally is not alone…
There are millions upon millions of people in the world who are also doing the “right thing” but don’t seem to be seeing any results as well. Why is this?
There are likely two main reasons, which I will cover now.
First reason: The buffer of time
Not all manifestations will happen the exact moment you think of them. In fact, most won’t, because firstly you need to be in vibrational alignment with the thing you desire, and secondly, a negative instant manifestation may not be in your best interests! Remember, we’re manifesting every single minute of every day through thought and emotion, whether they’re good or bad.
To raise your vibration, your inner work will contribute to positive changes, and again this is not instant. But the more of the “everything right” you are doing, the more events, situations, people, or events which will begin to appear in front of you, to send you the message you’re on the right track.
The problem is, too many people are focused on the outcome that they forget to enjoy the journey and they miss the subtle messages and signs that their desires are beginning to manifest, and all because they’re impatient and therefore do not trust that the Universe will deliver!
Second reason: Frustration and doubt
At first, Sally probably felt positive and hopeful about manifesting her desires, and just like anybody else, she felt that if she remained focused and did all the right things, they would begin to appear.
After some time however, she began to feel frustration. This is because what she wanted hadn’t manifested in the timeframe she was hoping for. Her hope turned into doubt, despite the subtle signs which had started to come her way, but she completely missed them.
By shifting from hope and gratitude to frustration and doubt, she completely shut off the flow of her manifestations. She was now saying to the Universe, “Send me things to be doubtful and frustrated about please!”. Just think – if she had trusted that all that she desired was on her way and would appear when she was ready to receive them, she may have been on the brink of manifesting them into reality! So now she’s got some work to do to get back into flow!
The motto of today’s message is to remember that all things take time. Some things take less time than others, but it all depends on where you are vibrationally. If you’re close, it won’t take so long. If you’ve got some work to do, it’ll take longer. But you’ve got to trust that all of your desires are coming to you, and you need to enjoy the journey and feel appreciation for all that you have and all that is coming to you, so that your alignment with what you desire can finally manifest.
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