Why don’t my desires manifest right away?
This is always true: What I think and how I feel, and what manifests, is always a vibrational match. But here’s the big kicker: What manifests isn’t manifesting instantaneously. So, you’ve got all this buffer of time leeway that makes you sloppy… If you thought a negative thought and a brick would instantly fall on your head every time, you’d clean up your thinking. But you’re not here to be punished about your thinking. You’re here to use your thinking—and your focus—to create.
The excerpt above says it all! If your desires were to manifest the instant you thought or felt a certain way, it wouldn’t be good if your thoughts or feelings ever ventured into a negative space – unless you like the idea of “bricks” landing on your head!
We therefore have this buffer of time to protect us, but this buffer can sometimes become a double-edged sword, and here’s why…
Let’s say you’ve been doing the inner work to raise your vibration, and days, weeks, or months pass and your desire still hasn’t manifested. Surely you’re now in vibrational alignment with what you want, after doing all of this work, right? “So why hasn’t this desire manifested??” I hear you ask. When you begin to feel this frustration or question why your desire hasn’t manifested in the timeframe you were hoping or expecting it to appear, you’ve slipped into what Abraham-Hicks refers to as “sloppy thinking”.
Because your reality still looks like it did a month ago, you’re now focused on reality, which is what you do not want. And because you’re now focusing on reality, you’re again in the process of manifesting what you do not want, which is more of your reality.
Like it says above, you’re not here to be punished about your thinking – you’re here to use your thinking – and your focus – to create. So what they mean by this is that this buffer of time is protecting you from immediate “falling bricks” at the first sign of a negative thought or feeling, and it’s also allowing you time to become more conscious of your thoughts and feelings, so that you can learn to steer them in the direction you want them to go. So while your dominant thoughts may be positive, you won’t be “punished” if you occasionally slip up and allow your thoughts or feelings to dip.
This buffer of time thing also allows the old stuff that was in the process of manifesting, to play its course. So if you continue to deliberately focus your thoughts on the good stuff that you want, once the old, “yukky” stuff has played out, the good stuff can begin to manifest, and it will – if you don’t give up or start to question if it’s ever going to happen.
There is so so much I could post about this topic, and this is just a reminder to let you know that even if your desires have not yet manifested, now is not the time to give up and allow your “sloppy thinking” to take over. Instead, now is the time to become more focused on what you do want, and to keep those thoughts on what you DO want!
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