Why do some people struggle to lose weight?
Many years ago I was freelance writing for a number of businesses, several of them in the weight loss field, and I had to do a lot of research to make sure my articles were factually correct. Based on what I learned, I thought I had this weight loss thing all figured out!
I believed that the underlying reason behind why people weren’t able to lose weight was in basic terms because their input exceeded their output. While this is true in some respects, it’s not exactly how things work – in fact, it’s much more complicated than that!
When I began working in the energy healing field, it didn’t take me long to see that the root cause of the excess weight my clients were expeirencing, had absolutely nothing to do with food or exercise!
So why do some people struggle to lose weight?
The reason some people struggle to lose weight could be due to an infinite number of root causes, and below I’ve listed some of those causes, just to give you an idea of how broad these can be!
Here’s a sample:
- Energetic or physical toxins in the body
- Heart wall (this is a term for an energetic “wall” we put around our hearts to protect it)
- Trauma from earlier in this life
- Trauma carried over from a past life
- Generational trauma
- Limiting beliefs
- Secondary gains (this is always a cool topic to work through with a client!)
- Fear (this word does not do this point justice and is actually a huge reason to work through!)
- Self sabotage (usually subconscious)
- and so much more!
When working with my client, I am generally guided from “the other side” as to what to address first, and clearing these energies happens in layers. It’s unlikely you’re going to see sensational results after just one session – you’re much more complicated than that – but you may feel a little “lighter” in your energy, a few days later.
So as you can see, the reason why some people struggle to lose weight isn’t simply because they eat too much or because they don’t exercise enough!
This is why standard diet or exercise programs don’t work for so many!
Don’t get me wrong, I think there is a lot of benefit in cleaning up your diet and exercising regularly, but until you’re able to clear what got you to where you are in the first place, you’re likely going to keep struggling to lose the weight by making those two changes.
How do I stop the struggle to lose weight?
The first thing you need to do is watch your self talk. If you’re critical of yourself and beat yourself up every time you put something “bad” into your mouth, it’s time to stop that!
Next, I suggest you “eat mindfully”. Sit at the table with no distraction, and chew slowly. Put your fork down between bites too.
And finally, I suggest that you become more aware of how your body feels after you eat. Do you feel better after eating that apple? Do you feel better after eating that cake? Or do you feel worse after eating these? Start a journal and write these observations down.
This is really more an awareness exercise to get you clear on how your actions are affecting you both emotionally and physically, and this is a portion of what my coaching clients and I cover during one of our first sessions together.
If you’d like more information about how you could work with me, check things out here!
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