Why do I keep making dumb choices?
Before I continue on, I would first like to say that there is nothing “dumb” about what you’re doing. I know you don’t believe me right now, but I hope I can change your mind.
“Why do I keep making dumb choices?” is a common question many of us have asked ourselves in our lives, and I’m about to explain why your choices are not “dumb”, and what those choices actually are, along with why you’re making those choices!
Are you ready??
Why do I keep making dumb choices?
When we ask ourselves why we keep making dumb choices, what we’re really asking is “Why am I making negative choices which are creating a negative physical experience in my life?”.
That sounds a little bit more kind, yeah? 🙂
So why are you making negative choices which are creating a negative physical experience in your life?
Thankfully I have the answer to that!
We are all running a bunch of subconscious energetic patterns at a Soul level and within our subconscious minds, which dictate most of the choices we make day to day.
If those patterns are positive, your choices will create positive experiences in your life, and if the patterns are negative, then your physical experience will be more “negative”.
More often than not, we’re making these choices unconsciously, not really thinking about whether those choices are “positive” or “negative” for our Soul.
What’s the difference between positive and negative choices?
I should point out here that what’s “positive” for you may not be positive for another. The same goes with negative.
When I’m talking about a “negative” choice, what I am saying is that the choice is negative for YOU. It may not be a negative choice for another person.
How we determine what is positive or negative for you, is by identifying the details of your Divine Soul Blueprint. Your Divine Soul Blueprint highlights your gifts, your strengths, your weaknesses, situations in which you will thrive, and situations you will struggle in and need to remove yourself from, and more.
Everybody’s Divine Soul Blueprint will differ in some ways, but once you understand who you are as a Soul, you will have a better idea of which choices will serve you, and which ones will not.
How do I stop making negative choices?
In order to stop making negative choices, the first thing you need to do is understand why you are making them.
A negative pattern is formed through our choices, whether from your current or past lives. These negative patterns continue to be perpetuated through our choices which align to them.
During a Soul Realignment or Life Situations Reading, I will identify the blocks and restrictions in your Akashic Record which have been created to form these patterns. Next, I work out how they played out when they originated.
This process often takes us into some fascinating past life stories, and some of my clients have found that they are repeating the EXACT SAME patterns in their current life!
What happens next?
After my research has been completed, I will conduct an energetic clearing and update your Akashic Record. We will then meet up on a recorded Zoom call, where I will outline what I have found, which choices were present when the pattern/s originated, and how they’re possibly affecting your life now.
We will then get to work in coming up with an action plan for you!
Your homework to stop you making dumb choices!
You will receive 21 days of “homework” which involves reading a page or two out loud, once a day for 21 days. This just embeds the clearing work I’ve already one in the Akashic Records, and acts like a “permission” for the work I have already done.
The energetic clearing will only bring you temporary relief though.
If you do the energetic clearing, it will work great – for a while. But if you keep making negative choices during or after the clearing, guess what? That’s right – the patterns will be re-created and you will end up back where you started!
The most important aspect of your homework is what you do next… What new choices will you take which misalign with your negative patterns, and which align to who you are as a Soul?
When you make new choices which are “positive” for your Soul, if continued, will begin to create more positive experiences in your life.
Life Situation Reading
A Life Situation Reading is the best way (I have found) to really get to the bottom of why you have “negative” stuff going on in your life, including the reason why you “keep making dumb choices”, and understanding what you need to do to make a shift.
What’s also great about a Life Situation Reading is that we can focus on a bunch of issues going on in your life, rather than just one! So it really helps us to understand why things aren’t going well for you right now, and how to fix it.
If you’d like to know more about Life Situation Readings, check out the Soul Realignment page!
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