Why can’t I manifest what I desire?
It can be really frustrating when you’ve done everything some “expert” has told you to do in order to manifest what you want, but instead, everything keeps going wrong.
The reason for this is because you’re likely self sabotaging.
In my previous post I explained how to manifest what you want, but there was one little bit missing – self sabotage!
Self sabotage will likely be what’s slowing you down, but how?
You see, you have these old negative belief patterns or programs running in the background which tell you that you can’t have what you want. You might be wanting to manifest more money, but since you were a child you observed your parents constantly struggling. So this old programming just doesn’t think financial abundance is possible. That sucks huh??
These old programs are always running in the background until you learn to change them. If you do nothing to change them, as soon as you begin to work towards creating your desires, this program reminds you of all of the reasons why you can’t have it or why it’s too hard. It will constantly hold you back from manifesting what you desire.
Shifting these old programs is a process, and it begins with learning to trust yourself and your intuition – the subtle little messages which pop into your head. Don’t ignore these messages – they are important because they’re coming straight from the Universe!
As mentioned in my previous post, when you hear one of these messages, don’t slow the manifestation process by questioning them and second guessing yourself – just act on it! What’s the worst that could happen? Believe me, the Universe is looking out for you, so any message it sends you is for your greater good.
Self sabotage and the old programs you’ve been running in the background your whole life, really are the cause of why you’re not yet manifesting what you desire, but with some work, you can turn this around.
In the next post I’ll talk you through the process of tuning into your intuition – it’s easier than you think – so that you can start listening for messages and start taking the action you need to in order to manifest everything you ever dreamed of!
As you build your confidence and begin to trust these messages, you will begin to shift those negative old beliefs which have been holding you back. Combine them with a daily gratitude practice and you’ll be a manifestation magnet before you know it!
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