Why aren’t I getting results?
Imagine you are at Point A (broke) and you want to get to Point B (wealthy). You’ve done all of the courses, you’ve applied all of the information you’ve learned, but for some reason, it’s just not clicking for you. You’re still struggling to make ends meet, and you’re a long, long way from wealthy!
This scenario could be applied to health, where Point A = Unhealthy and Point B = Healthy, or Point A = Overweight and Point B = Slim, fit and strong. It can also be applied to relationships, your career, or any other area in your life where you’re sitting at “Point A” and wish to get to “Point B”.
What often happens with anyone wishing to make a shift to a place they’re not currently sitting is that they begin to head in the right direction, then something happens or they self sabotage, and they go back to where they started. I see this a lot with “yo-yo dieters”!
Why is this happening?
The problem is that the person is still a “Point A” person. Their core beliefs, feelings and emotions are all Point A core beliefs, feelings and emotions, so that’s exactly what you keep attracting the same things into your life.
You can’t be a Point A person and make it all the way to Point B – something has to change…
So how do I become a Point B person?
Here are some points to get you thinking!
- Imagine how you would feel at Point B… would you feel happy, confident, or sure of yourself? Would you feel abundant? Would you feel successful? Bring up all of those feelings and feel them as though they are happening now. Repeat this process every day, several times a day – in doing this, you are slowly rewiring your brain to align more with a Point B person’s brain.
- What actions does a Point B person take? Who do they talk to and hang out with? Where do they go? How do they act around other people? What actions do they take in their business, or how much exercise do they do daily? What do they eat?
- What actions can you take today that align with the Point B version of yourself?
By rewiring your brain to that of a Point B person, you gradually become that person, attracting Point B circumstances into your life. But it takes commitment to rewire your brain, which is why the Soulful Manifesting Program was created. Stand by!
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