When things go wrong, don’t freak out!
It is only natural for most people to shift to “freak-out” mode when things go wrong, especially when it comes to money. Money ebbs and flows. You will have good times with money, and not so good times with money, and that’s what I’m going to talk about today.
There is something to be aware of when it comes to most aspects of one’s life, and that is that nothing stays the same. Things will ebb and things will flow. They will go up, and they will come back down. It’s like a natural flow of how things are, and how we respond to these situations is going to determine how much impact these changes in flow will affect you.
As mentioned before, it’s not uncommon for somebody to freak out when the ebb happens. Maybe you’ve been doing great in a financial sense, but suddenly something happens, or a string of events happen, and you find yourself short of money. It’s very easy to freak out at this stage.
Now while that’s the natural reaction for many people, it’s not necessarily the best thing for you, and here’s why…
You attract more of what you think about
The more you’re freaking out about money, the more things you’re going to attract, to freak you out!
Have you ever noticed that when you’re feeling stressed about something, other things also go wrong? This is because you’re in the frequency of stress, worry, or similar, so the Universe is doing what it’s being asked, and it’s delivering more of the same.
So how do I turn this around?
The best and quickest way to turn this around is to use gratitude.
You might be thinking I’m out of my mind right now, because how on earth is it possible to feel gratitude when your world is crashing down around you?
It might seem hard, but the quicker you embrace this, the quicker your “ebb” will become a “flow” again, and this is why:
- Feeling grateful sends a message out to the Universe to send you more things to feel grateful for.
- You don’t have to come up with elaborate things to be grateful for – maybe right now you’re feeling grateful that this day is over!
- If you can maintain that feeling of gratitude – including gratitude that the current financial mess you’re in is resolved (even though it’s not happened yet), events, people, or situations will appear in your life to deliver just that!
I could spend all day talking about the power of gratitude, but I think you get the idea!
So get out that gratitude journal (you do have one, don’t you??), and start writing down what you’re grateful for right now, and really feel that gratitude!
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