When the sh*t hits the fan, pick up another “stick”
I’m a little obsessed with Abraham-Hicks right now, but what they have to say is just so darn interesting and helpful!
Today I listened to a segment from one of their events where a property developer was struggling financially due to the lack of profit in a development he’d been working on.
He seemed very caught up in his reality which was looking rather grim (as most of us would be, if we were in his shoes!). His wife was stocking shelves to make some money to help them get buy and he was struggling to come up with a solution to get them out of this financial hole they had ended up in.
Here’s the advice he was given (and I will attempt to do this justice)…
He was told to stop focusing on his problems, and begin to focus on something else, something that gave him feelings of joy and happiness.
Abraham talked about these “sticks”, each one representing a specific part of your life. So this man had various sticks, representing his developments, money, his marriage, his grandkids, and so on.
He was advised to “put down” the developments and money sticks and to pick up the one which would feel best right now. This particular stick represented his grandkids, which brought him feelings of love and joy.
You see, if he feels bad (as his thoughts of his developments and money would cause him to feel), you’re in the process of attracting what you don’t want. So if he were to put that stick down and pick up the grandkids stick instead, his feelings would be of love and joy instead.
As he feels these feelings of love and joy, an amazing thing happens….. The other “sticks” begin to resonate with his feeling of love and joy too!
If he were to keep this up, he would find that his not so pleasurable situations would begin to improve.
Fascinating huh?? This is the Law of Attraction at work – you attract what you think about, so if you’re thinking happy thoughts, that is what you attract!
So… which stick are you choosing to hold on to huh??
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