What would “10 million dollar me” do?
As I continue on my quest for vibrational alignment with everything I want, one of my daily practices is to ask myself in any given moment, “What would 10 million dollar me think/do/have in this moment?” and it brings up some wonderful feelings and a smile to my face!
In order to attract what you want, you must be in vibrational alignment with it, so if I want to manifest 10 million dollars, then I need to understand how it feels to have 10 million dollars! And if I practise feeling 10 million dollars richer on a regular basis, feeling the wonderful feeling of being financially abundant, and having no resistance to it, then the Universe has no choice but to deliver to me what I want!
So, all you have to do is imagine what your future you looks like. What does she wear? How does she feel? What is her life like? Write it down in detail.
Once you’ve come up with a future you (or a 10 million dollar you!), it’s time to embody this new version of you, embracing her aspects and feeling her feelings.
Give this a go for the next 28 days and let’s see what happens!
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