If you want to know what to do when things don’t work out, read on – you’re going to find this post to be very interesting! Why? Because when things don’t work out, the reason may not be what you think!
If you’re like many people, you know about the Law of Attraction, you’ve been staying positive, possibly saying positive affirmations on a regular basis, performing your daily rituals to get you into the right mindset, but for some reason, things just don’t work out the way you want them to.
Why is this?
Let me tell you about my experience. We had to work out what to do when things don’t work out, and the outcome was pretty darn cool!
What we did when things didn’t work out
My husband is self employed and builds awesome home cinemas and some time ago he was asked to quote on a job.
With “the virus” still hanging around things were still pretty quiet for him and his business and this had created a bit of financial strain. We were ok, but our overdraft and credit cards had taken a beating! So this opportunity to quote was very welcome indeed!
So he completed the quote and we were talking about how great it was going to be, because if he was offered the business, we could pay off both our credit cards and the overdraft in full. Yay!
The client rejected his quote, saying it was twice what she was hoping to pay.
We were obviously bummed, but it prompted me to ask myself, “How did we create this situation in our reality? How did we get so close to sorting out our financial situation, only to have it taken away?”.
And then it hit me.
Hubby and I were both in the energy of the problem!!!
In our talk of our debts being paid off, where was our focus? On our debts! Yes, we were talking about how great it would feel to have them paid off and we were using positive words, but our focus was still on the debts – the stuff we didn’t want!
So I sat down with my husband and explained what I had worked out. After mulling over what I had said, he wholeheartedly agreed. He even admitted that when he was drawing up the quote, he did so with thoughts of how this was going to solve our problems (here we are again – focusing on the problem).
He said that in previous years when things were flowing easily to him, he was always in the energy of how he could best serve his client. On this day, he realised he’d been focused instead on solving our problems instead.
So he shifted this immediately with a renewed focus to serve his client in the best possible way. He finished the quote and he sent it through.
Minutes later she asked for a number of items to be added before approving the quote. A few days later she mentioned she had additional projects coming up if he was interested. Wow!
That’s the power of an energy shift!
What to do when things don’t work out
The next time you’re faced with a situation that doesn’t seem to have worked out, here’s what you need to do:
- Take a step back in your mind, and review the entire situation, remembering that you have energetically created this situation, probably with somebody else (as I did in the example above).
- Determine where your energy was – were you in the energy of the problem it was going to solve, or were you focused entirely on the solution?
- If your outcome is less than optimal, I can guarantee that you were at least in part in the energy of the problem. You need to be really honest with yourself here, and if you’re struggling to work it out yourself, why not ask in my Facebook Group?
- Once you’ve determined where your energy was, if you’re able to “fix” the situation, do so with the commitment to stay in the energy of the solution. If you’re not able to fix the situation, take the lesson on the chin and be sure to remind yourself about this lesson the next time you are faced with a similar situation.
- Now go celebrate – this is a HUGE lesson for somebody to get, and while it may hurt at the time, there’s no better way to learn!
As you can see, knowing what to do when things don’t work out isn’t always easy, but if you’re able to really take that step back and observe the situation from the outside every single time, it will get easy.
If you’d like some help with a situation like this and you’re struggling to determine where your energy lies, check out my Facebook Group above, or Contact me – I’m more than happy to help!
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