What is the Law of Attraction?
Here’s how I learned about the Law of Attraction: In late 1991 my parents handed me a set of 12 video tapes (yes I’m old!), and said “Watch this!”. I was home on my own the following weekend, so it was the perfect opportunity for me to do just that!
The videos contained a recording of Bob Proctor’s “Born Rich” seminar program, and to say I was mesmerised by the content in those videos, is an understatement!
Bob Proctor, a prominent personal development coach at the time, and right up until he recently passed away, is all about the Law of Attraction.
He believed that your thoughts shape your reality, and by focusing on positive thinking and visualising your goals as already achieved, you can attract those desired outcomes.
Bob also emphasised the importance of aligning your emotions with your desires, cultivating gratitude and joy to attract positive experiences. He also highlighted the need for inspired action, urging individuals to take proactive steps towards their goals.
I agree with Bob…to an extent!
What is the Law of Attraction?
The law of attraction is a universal principle that states you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to is what will come back to you.
It also states that when focus on abundance and the good things in your life, you will attract more positive things into your life. The opposite is also stated as true if you focus on the “negative” things in your life.
A more technical explanation of the Law of Attraction
I agree with all of this to some extent, and I want to explain things in a more “technical” way so that you can understand where I’m going with this.
When you are in complete vibrational alignment with a desire, that is the moment that your desire becomes a physical reality. The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law, and like must attract like. This is all about energy!
So a vibration which aligns to that thing, must attract that thing! There is no other way around it! If you are not vibrationally aligned with what you want, you 100% cannot have it. I’m sorry, but it’s true!
There are a gazillion ways to get into vibrational alignment with what you desire, such as:
- Positive thoughts
- Writing down your goals
- Visualising your goals
- Inspired, Soul-aligned action
But it’s not quite as simple as what I’ve written here – there’s so much more to it and I’ll expand on each, and these ideas are only a small fraction of what can be done to shift you into vibrational alignment with your desires.
Positive thoughts and the law of attraction
Firstly, I agree that positive thoughts are essential. Have you got any “negative Nancy” types of people around you, and nothing ever seems to go their way? Yep, me too! One of the most negative people I know always has “bad” things happening to them! It’s like they’re a magnet for negativity!
When you’re in a positive mindset, you’re also feeling positive emotions. Your emotions affect your physical body, so it’s really important that you do your best to prevent negative thoughts overpowering you. It’s not like you’re not supposed to think a negative thought or feel a negative emotion – just don’t allow them to run the show.
What also happens when you’re thinking positive thoughts and feeling positive emotions, is that you’re more likely to see opportunities than somebody who isn’t. This is purely because your focus is on what you want and not what you don’t want. And what you focus on, grows!
Writing down your goals
Countless studies have been performed over the years where test groups were split into two, where one group wrote down their goals, and the other didn’t. Each group was tracked over a period of time, and their success measured at the end.
In every test conducted, the group that consistently achieved the highest level of success was the one that wrote down their goals.
Again, this technique isn’t exactly black and white, but I was taught to write my goals in the following format:
I am so happy and grateful now that….
I would write my goal in present tense as if the result had already happened, it would have a date on it, and I would read it to myself many times each day, while visualising the outcome.
Did this work for me? Sometimes. And sometimes not!
What I didn’t know at the time is that I could have super-charged my goal-setting if only I had known about my Manifesting Blueprint! My Manifesting Blueprint would have spelled out to me how to word my goals and what to visualise, so that I was in a better position to create what I want.
Yes, I’ve manifested some incredible things over the years, but I was also unsuccessful many times too – and this is one of the reasons why.
Visualising your goals
Visualising your goals while feeling the emotions of achieving your desired outcome is another method that I had applied over the years, without understanding that while this particular method was a perfect method for some, it wasn’t perfect for me!
When I am visualising my goals, I will need to do things a little differently in order to get into vibrational alignment with what I want, than someone like my husband or one of my friends. They’re wired quite differently to me, so must go about manifesting (and visualising) in a very different way!
Looking back, I think I was already unconsciously doing this in a Soul-Aligned way most of the time, which is why I’ve manifested so much! Now that I am aware of how I am wired to follow this process, I can set my goals and intentions and begin taking the right actions in order to achieve those goals and intentions.
Inspired, Soul-aligned action
Inspired, Soul-aligned action is where things get truly interesting! The reason why it’s interesting is because this isn’t taught in the Law of Attraction communitiy. In fact, I’d never heard of “Soul-aligned action” in my life until recently!
If you’ve ever followed Abraham-Hicks, you may have heard of “inspired action”. This is where you receive a little “nudge” to take a specific action.
These nudges may come from your higher self or even your spirit guides, but if you act on these nudges immediately, it’s said that you will be more likely to create what you want.
Again, I agree with this to an extent. But……
We are all carrying a whole bunch of energies around. Some of these energies are like little suitcases of clothes that no longer fit but you’re keeping them anyway. These energies are formed by blocks and restrictions which may have created earlier in this lifetime or even in a past life.
Until we’re able to take specific actions to clear these energies and “donate” the little suitcases to “charity”, they will dictate some of the unconscious choices that we make.
If you’re currently struggling financially, the little “suitcases” may be causing you to procrastinate and stay stuck because they’re too “heavy”. In reality you could have an old “Vow of Poverty” in your energy and it’s causing you to make financial choices (doing nothing is also considered a choice) which keeps you stuck in “poverty”.
So in this example, when you receive an “inspired nudge” and you act on it unconsciously, it could be that you’re acting on a nudge which is aligned with creating more “Poverty” (it’s certainly not coming from your spirit guides!).
On the other hand, when you have access to your Soul and Manifesting Blueprints, and therefore an understanding of the makeup of who you are at Soul-Level, you will immediately understand if that nudge is moving you toward poverty or away from it, because you will know what types of actions align with you and will therefore move you closer to what you want.
Just to complicate things a little more, what is Soul-Aligned for you is not necessarly Soul-Aligned for anybody else! It’s really important to understand that!
Next steps
If you have been struggling to manifest what you want in your life, it could just be that your choices and your method of going about manifesting aren’t Soul-Aligned. Most manifesting courses state that their method will work for everyone, but they don’t! I have seen it so many times… some people get great results, and others get ZERO!
These courses aren’t tailored to you as a unique individual – to how you’re wired – so that you can go about manifesting in a way that aligns with who you are and will therefore bring the best results, so they cannot possibley work for every single person!
This is why I’ve created my program, which I explain in this little freebie. If you sign up now, you’ll receive my free guide and a special offer. Click on the button below!
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