What is prosperity?
For some time now I’ve called myself a “Manifestation Coach”, but recently it’s not felt right. Yes, I can help people to manifest all that they truly desire, but for some reason, I’ve not been resonating with this term at all, and I’ve kind of cringed as I’ve said “I am a manifestation Coach…”. Ugh…
This morning I was nudged by my guides to look up some old materials I had saved, and from there I realised that “manifesting” is kind of stating you’re in a place of not yet having what you want, and this is probably why it wasn’t resonating with me! I want to be in the place of where I want to be – not in the place of wanting to be where I want to be! Does that make sense?
So you’ve probably already worked out that “prosperity” is where it’s at! Yes its general and wide-spread, but it’s a powerful word! Being prosperous in terms of our health, our wealth, our happiness, our relationships, our careers, in business, or wherever we want to be prosperous, is where we all want to be, right?
We don’t want to be in the process of “manifesting” it – we want to already have it! Ok then!
So what is prosperity?
Prosperity is the condition of being successful or thriving.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
How can I create prosperity in my life?
Creating prosperity in your life begins inside your mind. Your thoughs are incredibly powerful and you literally create momentum toward whatever it is, with every single thought you think!
Here’s how you can start:
- Become more aware of your thoughts. Are they about what you want or what you do not want?
- Once you’ve become aware of your thoughts, if you have any “undesirables” in there, acknowledge the thought, thank it for letting you know it’s still hanging around, and attempt to view the situation the thought is about, from another angle. Maybe you are seeing things from one perspective, but there’s another perspective available that may serve you better?
- Experience gratitude in every moment possible! Truly feel gratitude for the smallest things, and for the biggest things too!
This is just a start to building momentum toward creating prosperity in your life, but it’s an important start. And the sooner you start this process, the sooner you will be experiencing prosperity in your outer world as well as in your inner world!
If you’d like to learn more about how I can help you to create a prosperous life, Contact Me and let’s arrange a time to chat!
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