What is “death”?
I’ve been on my spiritual journey for a few years now, and an interesting topic which always comes up, is around the physical death of a human or an animal.
I’ve read the stories of people who have died then come back to life. My understanding is that when a person “dies” before being revived, afterwards many describe the most incredible feelings of love and joy, unlike anything they’ve ever felt before, while on the “other side”. They talk about how this felt like they were “home”. Some feel intense homesickness when they return to their normal life after experiencing this, but they can’t explain why they feel this way.
Through my studies and through my research, I have learned that we are all spiritual beings who are living this life inside physical bodies. We have chosen to come into these physical bodies in order to expand and grow.
When we are done with our lessons in each physical lifetime, at the soul or spiritual level, we make the decision to go back “home”, and we transition from our physical body and back to the non-physical, where we were to begin with. This is what we would call “death”.
Since my abilities have grown, I now truly believe this. I can often sense the presence of one of my late grandmothers (I can even pick up little messages or “feelings” from her!), and more recently, I felt my late grandfather hanging around, and he had a message too, which was pretty awesome! I’ve also sensed my husband’s late grandmother, especially after I’ve completed some heavy duty healing work on him.
Ok so back to it… While we have transitioned to the non-physical form at death, and our physical bodies are no longer, we do live on in a non-physical way. We do not just go away.
As science has proven, we are just energy. We never “die” or disappear – we just change form.
What this means is that everybody’s physical body will eventually die, and we will go back to our spiritual form and likely incarnate and live another lifetime or more in the future. (I am guessing I’ve lost half my audience here, but that’s ok. We all have our beliefs!)
I believe that at the soul or spiritual level we make the decision to transition (“transition” sounds so much better than “die”, doesn’t it??), before our physical reality reflects this.
I’m not sure if the decision to transition at the age of 84 is one that was made when you came into your physical body, for example, or whether it is something that is decided later, and closer to the date of transition. But what is important is that the decision is first made in the spiritual realm before it actually happens.
So let’s assume that at the soul level a number of people have made the decision to go this year (these people may not be aware of this consciously, in fact most people will not be aware of this until they actually transition over)… This means that they need to find a way to transition from physical to non-physical.
We don’t just “die”, right? It’s not like our physical bodies just shrivel up and disappear – something needs to happen that contributes to the physical death before it can happen, such as an illness or an accident, or even suicide.
If your heart simply stops beating, I guess that’s put down to a heart attack. Or if a bunch of people are in a car accident, and all of the souls of those in that car have made the decision to transition at this time, then what we see is that they all go at once.
This can be extremely tragic for those left behind, but for those transitioning, it is exactly what was supposed to happen, as far as the souls of these people were concerned.
We now have a bunch of people dying from this virus going around, and I guess for the souls of these people, it’s exactly what they were waiting for! It’s their ticket “back home” because they are ready to transition.
Again, it is tragic for those left behind, because it’s really hard to say goodbye to anyone you love, let alone when you believe it’s before their time, but for those transitioning, while in their physical world they may not want to go, their soul is getting excited because they’re finally “going home”!
I personally find a lot of comfort in this explanation of what “death” is, because while I miss my grandparents in their physical form, they’re not actually gone at all – they’ve just shifted into a non-physical form!
I am also extremely blessed that I am now able to communicate with them and feel their presence occasionally, since I’ve built up my abilities to allow this.
If you can sit in a quiet room, get out of your head and sit quietly, letting everything go, then maybe you too may start to sense the unconditional love coming from a loved one who has left their physical body. It really is incredible!
I hope this information has given you some food for thought, or even better, has given you some comfort if you have lost a loved one. xx
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