What is a Soul Realignment Reading?
Since becoming a Soul Realignment Practitioner, I’ve come to realise that not a lot of people have ever heard of Soul Realignment or the Akashic Records, and the incredible life-changing transformation this type of reading can help you to create.
This soon changes once they have experienced this type of reading for themselves of course!
Every client I’ve read for so far is amazed at the incredible accuracy of the reading, because they always start off with a description of their Divine Soul Blueprint, which is basically who they are.
They’re also intruigued by the Soul Story and the insight gained from that story, as well as how the patterns from a past life are playing out in their life now. I had a client yesterday who had the most incredible past life story, and we learned a lot about how this past life version of herself created these patterns through her own choices which were now playing out for the client.
So what is a Soul Realignment?
A Soul Realignment is an intuitive healing modality which utilises the Akashic Records to identify and clear negative karmic patterns held at Soul-level, which may be preventing you from experiencing life in the way that you would like to.
These patterns can affect any life area, such as finances, relationships, your career or business, and even your health!
To go back a little, a “pattern” is kind of like an energy which drives the unconcsious choices that we make day to day. If the pattern is a negative one and we’re making choices unconsciously, then our choices will likely also be negative, as they are aligned with that pattern.
And what do those choices create?
A negative outcome!
If you’re wanting a Soul Realignment it means that you’re not liking how some or several areas of your life are going and you’re wanting to shift that, so this is why it’s important to identify these patterns first, so they can be addressed.
How do you address a negative pattern?
What my clients will very quickly learn during a reading is that we all have free will and we are all free to make choices which serve us – or not. So if we continue to make unconscious choices which align to the negative patterns, we will continue to create negative outcomes.
However, if you’re wanting to shift that, you will need to make different choices!
Making different choices may seem easy in theory, but more often than not the new choice will feel uncomfortable.
I have my own experience where a certain new choice I was planning to make felt terrifying, even though I knew it would benefit me to make that new choice. And I did take the action, and guess what? I didn’t die! 😀
What I should also mention here is that in addition to the new choices we will come up with during your reading, I have already performed an energetic clearing within your Akashic Records, in order to clear the old energies and to prepare for your “approval”. Your approval is noted when you start your 21 days of homework (or “spiritual practice” as one of my clients calls it, because the idea of homework doesn’t feel good to her!). The 21 days of homework will help to shift your mind subconsciously, but it will also act as a confirmation that you wish for your Akashic Records to be updated with the clearing.
And then of course, the action will prevent things from going back to the way they were before the reading!
My job as a Soul Realignment Practitioner
As a Soul Realignment Practitioner, I am here to guide you towards identifying what those new choices could look like, then supporting you through the process of making them.
Of course, nobody has to make these new choices – you can just keep going as you are, or you could make different choices.
It is 100% up to you…
But what you will find is that the more aware and conscious you are about the choices you’ve been making, the more likely you’re going to catch yourself making them, and you will begin to re-think things a little!!
For some people, they will jump right in and start making a bunch of new choices, and more often than not, this is the fastest path to shifting that old pattern.
But for others, they need to take things a little slower, and that’s perfectly ok! Even one tiny little baby step in the right direction will start the process of breaking the old pattern, and what you will find is that it becomes like a snowball, getting larger, and faster as you go.
Soon, the new choices will feel “normal” to you, and not so uncomfortable anymore. And that is a really good thing!
Want to know more?
If you would like to learn more about Soul Realignment and how you could benefit from a Soul Realignment reading, visit my Soul Realignment page, or Contact me and I’ll set up a time for us to chat!
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