What is a past life vow and how does it affect you now?
A past life vow is a solemn promise we made to do a certain thing during a past life. In modern times we recognise a vow in the form of marriage. So when we make a vow to the person we are marrying, we are promising to stick by them “in sickness and in health” and so on.
When we’re looking at past life vows in particular, they can come in various forms, and how these vows affect you now in this life can be quite varied. I will try to touch on a few of the most common themes I’ve seen since becoming a Soul Realignment Practitioner, so that you can get an idea of whether you might be influenced by a past life vow right now.
Who is a vow made to?
As mentioned earlier, a vow to another in the form of marriage is a common type of vow. Vows can also be made to a spiritual authority (such as a church) or to a “guru” of sorts.
When taking a vow there will always be some type of ritual or ceremony that goes with it, such as a marriage ceremony, or some type of religious ceremony when a woman decides to become a nun.
Once the vow has been taken, it will be followed by certain choices or actions which uphold the promise for the remainder of that incarnation.
What’s “wrong” with a past life vow?
In most cases, especially when marriage is concerned and both parties want the marriage, a past life vow is completely fine. But when doing a Soul Realignment, if I find a block or restriction in the form of a vow, then the keeping of that vow or promise is resulting in negative choices during this lifetime.
So what’s wrong with these past life vows is that they can take the form of:
- Obedience
- Chastity
- Poverty
- Suffering
- Sacrifice
- Silence
If you look at certain aspects of your life right now, can you see how any of these vows may be playing out?
Here’s how each of the above vows can play out:
Vow of obedience
You will struggle to stand on your own two feet, and will just do what others tell you to do, when in a situation with an outside authority. This vow can also lead us to become rebellious at the same time, really disliking the authority!
Vow of chastity
This can result in childlessness or sexual disfunction.
Vow of poverty
This is a biggy, and as expected, this will cause you difficulty in accumulating wealth, and no matter how much money you make, it’s only ever just enough. Or a bit less!
Vow of suffering
Life feels difficult for you and you may also suffer from chronic health issues.
Vow of silence
This was a big one for me, and it caused trouble with self expression, and a tendency to keep secrets or to keep quiet when we should speak up.
Vows to spiritual authorities
When a vow is made to a person you think is a representative of God (such as a pries), you’re giving them authority over you.
What happens during this lifetime as a result, is that the other person involved is literally drawing on our life force energy through this negative agreement.
As we all know, many of those who were known as “spiritual authorities” were nothing of the sort, and were abusing this power in order to control.
When do these past life vows play out?
A past life vow is often activated when we step into our present-life spiritual path. Like most people, we flounder around in life before suddenly “awakening” to what we’re actually wanting to do in this lifetime. The vow is eventually triggered at this point, and we often feel like we’re being “held back” from achieving what we want to in life.
How to release a past life vow
Releasing a past life vow will happen in two parts, and is actually quite a simple thing to do.
During a Soul Realignment Reading, if you have any blocks and restrictions within your Soul Profile, I will find out the history behind how they were created and how they played out in that past lifetime. We’ll then discuss how they’re now playing out in this lifetime.
Before our actual call, I will begin the energetic clearing process of any vows or other blocks and restrictions present, then during our call we will come up with a plan to help you make sure they don’t return in another form later on in this life.
If you’d like to know more about this process, be sure to check out my Soul Realignment page, or reach out for a chat!
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