What is a discordant energy exchange and why do I need to know about it?
What is a discordant energy exchange (DEX)? In a nutshell, a discordant energy exchange is what one might consider a “negative” energy exchange with another.
Whenever we interact with other people, we are automatically in an energetic exchange with them. Whether the exchange is “positive” or “negative” for you will depend on the energy behind what you do or say, and whether the exchange aligns with you at Soul level.
Positive and negative energy exchange example
Let’s say you absolutely LOVE cleaning and organising. If you help a friend by cleaning her house (and you’re doing it purely because it’s something you love to do), then this could usually be considered a positive energy exchange. This energetic exchange could be aligned with “love”, “fun”, or similar.
Ok, so let’s say you absolutely HATE cleaning but you’re helping your friend because “That’s what good friends do”. I would suggest that this is a negative energy exchange. This energetic exchange could be aligned with “obligation”, “sacrifice”, or similar.
Centuries ago, humans needed to be in a negative or discordant energy exchange much of the time, just to stay alive. Back in those days, it wasn’t uncommon for people to be murdered for reasons we cannot even comprehend today.
Arranged marriages, choosing to take on a role that keeps the family safe and together, and other choices were being made purely for safety reasons. It doesn’t mean these people couldn’t create what they wanted, but it made things a hell of a lot harder!
The benefits of a positive energy exchange
When we are in a positive energetic exchange with another person and our choices are also in alignment with who we are at Soul level, we’re drawing in what’s called “Vital Force Energy” (VFE). When we draw in VFE, we’re literally filling ourselves up.
Our ability to create and manifest improves and our health is often in better shape when we are drawing in a healthy amount of VFE.
The drawbacks of a DEX
When we are in a DEX, we are making choices that do not align with us at Soul level. We’re making the choice BECAUSE of somebody else, and not because it’s something we genuinely want to do.
Using the example earlier, if we go into an energetic exchange with the energy of “obligation”, what we’ll get out of this exchange is an outcome that matches “obligation”. Maybe you’ll create more situations where you are obligated to help out when you don’t really want to.
I should point out that many of us are in a DEX daily (usually subconsciously). Sometimes we need to do so to keep our life in order or to survive, like I mentioned earlier.
The drawbacks of a DEX are many, the biggest being depletion. A depletion creates a deficit. This means we’re giving more than we are getting back in an energetic sense, and the energetic quality of those exchanges will be “negative”.
For example, let’s say you’re in love with a guy who doesn’t feel the same way about you.
You keep doing stuff for him, you constantly think about him, you reach out to him often. Yet he still remains disinterested. In this situation, over time you would feel depleted and drained! Your choices are most likely aligned with “rejection” or “fear” or similar. Fear of rejection, fear that if you don’t do these things for him, you will “lose” the dude you don’t even have!
The biggest drawback of an energetic deficit is that it can affect your health, your overall well-being, and even your ability to manifest!
In the Soulful Manifesting Program, we address any energetic deficits that you may be engaged in (in fact, this is one of the first things I check, because they have such a huge impact on our ability to manifest what we want!). I will be able to tell you which life area it is affecting, and the energetic qualities of the exchanges and who they may be with, to help you address them immediately.
Whether there’s a deficit or not (not all people have a deficit), exchanging too much discordant energy can negatively affect your health (just as the deficit can), your ability to manifest what you want, and your overall well-being.
How to reduce DEX’s and increase VFE
There are two ways to reduce a DEX or an energetic deficit:
- Make more Soul-aligned choices, which in turn draws in VFE. Oooo all these acronyms!
- Stop with the DEX’s.
In the first example from earlier, your choice to help your friend clean her house comes from a place of loving your friend, and thinking it’ll be a fun thing to do because you love to clean. At Soul level you could be wired to love having things in order, so this activity is right down your alley!
In the case of a DEX, you may be helping to take care of a family member out of obligation because you will not be a good sister, wife, parent, daughter, or whatever. To step out of DEX and into VFE is to step back from taking care of that family member, or change the way you do it. Maybe you could arrange for a carer, or maybe another family member could help to lighten your load?
In my program, you will receive specific guidance on how to address these energetic exchanges, but as we all have free will, what you do is ultimately up to you!
I currently have a situation in one life area where I have a DEX playing out and right now I am not prepared to do anything about it except accept that it’s there. In the meantime, I have been focusing on other DEX’s and addressing those until it’s time to deal with the other.
There’s so much you can do with this information, and I can tell you from my own personal experience, this is LIFE-CHANGING!
How can I find out how I am exchanging energy?
If you are feeling stuck, lost, wondering why your life feels unfulfilling, or you need help to create the life that you desire, then the Akashic Records can reveal exactly what is happening for you energetically!
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