What would your life look like if you could be, do or have anything you want? What if, no matter what you chose to do in your life, you could not fail, and you could have it all?
- What would you do?
- Where would you go?
- Where would you live?
Imagine how it would feel to live a life full of love, happiness and joy!
If you’re not there yet, you may not feel as though such a life is possible, but I am here to tell you that it is absolutely possible!
Many years ago I was living in my own private “hell” (yes, that’s what it felt like at the time), and I felt as though I was never going to be free of the life I was living.
My verbally and emotionally abusive husband was racking up bills faster than anything I had ever experienced before and we were receiving calls from debt collectors on a regular basis. I can’t remember how many times I gave up what I needed so that he could have what he wanted. I was beyond stressed, and I hated living that way. I also hated myself for allowing my life to be this way.
I am about to marry the most wonderful man I’ve ever met, I live in a beautiful, million-dollar home, I drive an awesome, reliable car which I bought myself as a gift only a few short years ago (this is something I could not do when married to my first husband!), I have a wonderful and happy family, and I am truly happy myself!
All those years ago, I knew I was destined for more. I knew that my life as I could see it, was not what it was supposed to be. But at the time, I wasn’t sure of a way out, until I started researching.
So today I’m going to pass on one of the biggest lessons I learned way back then…
***Get very clear on what you want***
There’s nothing all that profound in that statement, but what I’m realising, based on my own experiences and the experiences of my clients, is that until you have a very clear picture of what you want, you’re literally aiming at nothing!
So… today… start writing about your “ideal day”, start making yourself a vision board (more on this in a future post), write down your goal onto a little piece of paper or a card, and read it to yourself often. By “often”, I mean several times a day, every single day!
When you’re feeling bad, dig out your vision board and look at it, reminding yourself of what you want, or read your little card. And keep doing so until you feel better again.
By replacing your negative, damaging thoughts with positive, uplifting thoughts, you are slowly shifting your frequency.
You see, once your frequency is aligned with your goals, that’s when your goals will manifest. But this doesn’t happen overnight. Consistent, targeted focus is what’s needed in order to achieve your goals.
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