What happens when you’re in an energetic deficit? I’ll tell you in a moment, but for now, it will be prudent of me to explain what an energetic deficit is, to give you an idea of what could happen so you can watch out for it in your own life.
What is an energetic deficit?
An energetic deficit occurs when you are in an unequal energetic exchange with others. So in other words, you’re giving more energy toward somebody or something than you are getting back.
What happens?
There are a number of symptoms that you will have if you’re currently experiencing an energetic deficit, which I will outline here. Sometimes these symptoms are obvious, but for other people, they sneak up on us as we’re very good at pushing these symptoms aside!
When you have an energetic deficit, you may experience some or all of the following:
- Lack of energy – tired and lethargic
- Depression
- Physical ailments may become chronic
- An ongoing deficit can cause serious illness over time
- Many of your interactions will feel “negative” and won’t go very well
- Financial problems
- Unable to create/manifest what you want
- Relationship problems
- You may struggle to utilise your psychic or mediumship abilities
- Stuckness or unhappiness in a job or business
- Friendships may suffer
- Family issues
- Unable to properly relax or have fun
- Feeling uneasy all of the time
There’s a whole lot more, but as you can see, an energetic deficit is not a good thing to have, and it can actually become quite serious!
For many people though, they may not even be AWARE that they’re dealing with such a deficit as they’ve been able to push the symptoms aside. I’m one of these people, unfortunately!
I was in a job that was literally sucking the life out of me, but the job paid well and at the time my husband’s business wasn’t going as well as it had in previous years. He then got very sick, and I felt I had to be strong because he had himself to worry about and I didn’t want him worrying about me too!
Thankfully, after major surgery, he healed beautifully (faster than normal!), and has been back on his feet for quite some time. Shortly after his surgery we were offered some cheap accommmodation at the beach. Given we are very happy to connect to the earth, and especially where the ocean is concerned, we accepted this offer!
So I took a week off work and we drove the 1.5 hours to our beach destination. I then slept almost all day, every day for the first three days. I was EXHAUSTED, but I had no idea I had an “energetic deficit” going on.
I continued on, then around 8 months later we decided to spend another two days on the coast, and again I slept more than a normal person should.
Shortly after this I did an energetic review via the Akashic Records, and I could see I had a clear energetic deficit where my job was concerned (surprise, surprise!), but I did nothing about it and tried to make the best of a bad situation.
It wasn’t until a couple of months later, when I realised I had to do something about the job. We were again taking a few days off, and again I just wanted to sleep all day! I also noticed that when my thoughts shifted to going to work the following week, my chest would constrict. This was not good.
I knew then that no matter what, I had to free myself from that job. It was affecting my physical health, and I didn’t want to leave my physical body yet, as I had so much work to do in helping others! I was also much too young, and I knew all too well that the job was NOT for me. I’d known it for years, but stayed out of necessity.
What do you have going on in your life now that isn’t sitting right for you? Do you notice any physical, emotional or other “symptoms” that things aren’t as rosy as you’d like them to be?
How to find out if you have one
It’s all well and good to understand that energetic deficits exist, but how do you find out if you have one?
As mentioned earlier, there are often signs, but we push them aside because, you know, life! If you really look hard you will notice something is off. This will be a very clear indicator that there could be a deficit.
But the quickest and easiest way to find out if you have an energetic deficit, and to find out which life areas it’s affecting, is to join the Soulful Manifesting Program where we cover energetic exchanges and where you may be giving more than you are receiving. We also go deep into the manifesting process, where you will receive the knowledge and tools required to start manifesting rapid results!
Some people, depending on how they are wired at Soul level, are more prone to energetic deficits too, so this information is also provided.
The Soulful Manifesting Program includes a Soul Blueprint & Realignment, and I also reviewed your energetic exchanges with others, to determine if you have any deficits. If any are found, each ergetic exchange will be reviewed and analysed to determine how the energetic deficits are happening. During the coaching calls, you will be guided to create an action plan to help you step out of any deficits and into more positive exchanges with those you interact with.
Want to learn more?
The Soulful Manifesting Program has been designed to guide you toward a full understanding of who you are as a Soul so that you can make more Soul-aligned choices and create a life that feels GOOD to you!
Soulful Manifesting
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