What do I do when my desires aren’t manifesting?
If you’ve noticed that what you want hasn’t manifested and you’re focused on the absence of that thing, then you need to keep reading, because what I am about to tell you will hopefully change that!
When you are focused on the absence of what you want, you’re in the energy of lack. When you’re in the energy of lack, it goes without saying that the Law of Attraction will deliver more of the same. It cannot possibly deliver abundance when you are in the energy of lack!
So you’re probably wondering how to get out of the energy of lack when that thing hasn’t shown up and you’ve been waiting ages for it to manifest, right? Thankfully, it’s not as difficult as you think, however it may not have been the most obvious solution! So here goes…
- Stop thinking about the thing that you want
- Start thinking about why you want it
- Start thinking about how it will make you feel once you have it – this is probably the most important step – think about all of the wonderful emotions you will feel and see if you can feel those things in the moment!
- Instead of choosing to manifest the thing, choose to manifest those emotions – let go of the thing for a while and let the yummy emotions flow!
- Only think about the thing you want if it feels good to think about it. If it brings up feelings of lack or frustration or anything that feels bad, stop thinking about it. If it feels good to think about it and brings up those yummy emotions from Step 3, then keep doing that!
When you shift your focus away from the thing that brings up feelings of frustration, and toward the wonderful feelings you would feel if you had that thing, you’re shifting your energy from one of lack to one of abundance. It’s almost like you’re “faking it till you make it”, in that you are pretending you have the thing and feeling how you would feel once you had it.
This is such a powerful exercise and I urge you to practise this daily. If you can think about the thing without feeling bad, then think about it and really feel those emotions you would feel if you had manifested it. Really get into it!
If thinking about the thing feels bad, then focus only on the emotions you would feel once having that thing and make that your goal. The feelings could be anything from relief, to accomplishment, to happiness, joy, or even excitement! Feel those feelings as often as you can and really allow yourself to embody them.
Over time, you will be aligning your vibration with what you want, and once that alignment has happened, the thing will manifest – that’s the law!
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