If you’re wanting to know how to tell what your guides or higher self are telling you, be sure to read on, because as you’re about to find out, it’s easier than you think!
A long time ago I had no idea of how I could tune into the messages coming through from the non-physical, and I was truly missing out, because the information I now receive on a daily basis, is both mind-blowing and amazing!
Actually, I was always receiving messages, but I was either unaware of them or I ignored them, and I wasn’t able to experience the benefit of their wisdom!
Looking back, I can count many occasions when my “little voice” perked up or I had a feeling, which told me something, and there were a small number of times when the message was so strong, I couldn’t ignore it. I didn’t know this at the time, but this was coming from my guides or higher self!
Sometimes the messages were a warning about something (or someone). At other times they were a “Go for it!” or “This is it!” when I was contemplating a specific activity or course.
One such “This is it!” time was when Laurie and I first looked at the home we are now living in. I wasn’t keen on looking at this one because it didn’t look so great in the photos. But the second we walked through the front door, I had this very strong feeling of knowing. I knew we would be buying this house, despite having no idea how we’d be finding the money for a deposit!
More recently, my spiritual adviser Janice suggested I look into doing more study in the area of past life regression therapy.
What happened next was not a feeling of “knowing” as such, but rather a juicy, yummy feeling of “Go for it!” in my body whenever I thought about the idea of learning more about this modality!
This is how I knew this was something I needed to look in to, at the very least!
Again I had no idea where the money could come from to complete this training, but once I made the decision based on the feelings in my body, it literally just appeared a day later!
By far the easiest way to tell what your guides or higher self are telling you, is to become conscious of how the idea feels in your body.
If you have a tingly feeling combined with a feeling of lightness or positivity, this is usually a good sign.
If however the feelings feel a little heavy or not so good, then this is a sign to take a step back and re-think your idea.
Sometimes you will just know that you should or shouldn’t do something, and that feeling could be strong or it could be very subtle.
Here’s what I suggest you do if you’re contemplating a decision
- Find a quiet spot to sit or lie, where you won’t be interrupted.
- Clear your mind.
- Think about each option, one at a time, with a few seconds break in between.
- Observe how your body feels when each option appears in your mind.
- Does your body feel lighter or heavier?
- Do you feel tingling or shivers? Are these feelings coupled with a feeling of lightness or heaviness?
- Do you feel a sense of knowing?
- Do you see a picture flash quickly into your mind?
- Do you “hear” words coming in as you think of each option (these could be a “yes” or a “no”).
- Sit for a few more moments and contemplate your experience in doing this exercise.
So… how did that feel? Do you have some more clarity, or didn’t the feelings come through strong enough for you to notice them?
If that’s the case, it’s ok – later today or tomorrow, try again to tune into these feelings. It’s not something most of us can just start to do instantly – it takes some practise and if you’re consistent, you will find the feelings will begin to come through more easily!
I would really love to hear how this exercise worked for you!
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