What are you aiming for?
There’s a saying that goes “He who aims at nothing, will hit the target every time”.
Until recently I did not have a clear picture of what I wanted, in my life, in my career or even my relationships.
Without that clarity, I was going around in circles, not really achieving anything. I was just living my life, wishing something would change. But if I don’t change what I’m doing, how on earth will my life change?? It’s like doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result – it’s not going to happen!
My message to you today is to define exactly what you want. What do you want your personal life to look like? What about your career? What about your relationships? What about your health??
It always helps to put a pen to paper when working through this process, and kind of makes it more “real”.
Your mind is powerful, and when you’ve defined exactly what you want your life to look like, you’re one humongous step closer to achieving that life, because it finally has a picture of what it is you want, and it now has something to aim for!
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