What are the Akashic Records?
The best way I could explain what the Akashic Records are, is to say it’s like a huge energetic library.
They contain collection of all of information about your Soul, from all that was, all that is, and all that may be, based on your current trajectory.
The Akashic Records are a doorway to our past lives, allowing us to find out what choices we made in a past life that may be affecting us in our current life. They contain information relating to our thoughts, emotions, and even possible/probable future events. The Bible apparently refers to the Akashic Records as “The Book of Life”, but I can’t confirm nor deny as I’ve never read the Bible!
Every Soul has their own book of life, and the author is your Soul!
I was taken to my Akashic records during a Life Between Lives session in 2019 and I’ll try to explain what I found…
The library
The Akashic records for everyone is contained in what I perceived to be a HUGE library. The books all looked golden, and the library was protected by spiritual beings – these were the Librarians.
The being greeted me and took me over to a wall which seemed to go on for miles! A large golden book was taken off a shelf and was placed on a huge, long table and opened up so that I could take a look, with the help of my spirit guide.
Now that I am a Soul Realignment Practitioner, I am able to easily access the Akashic Records without needing to go into a trance, which is helpful!
How can I find out what’s in my Akashic records?
There are a number of ways to find out what’s in your Akashic records, and the good news is that you don’t have to be hypnotised like I was in 2019, in order to do so! I’ll talk about each one here:
- Hypnosis – This was how I accessed my Akashic records the first time, and it allowed me to personally “see” what they looked like, how I gained access to them, and where they were stored.
- Soul Realignment Readings – In a Soul Realignment Reading I connect to your Akashic Records and collect information which relates to the intention or issues you would like help with. I use this information to help you to get clarity and healing, plus I also complete an energetic clearing in your record to assist with a faster and smoother transition toward what you would like to achieve.
What sort of information can I find in my Akashic records?
Let’s get more specific here, to give you an idea of what you might find in your Akashic records. Remember, this book is infinite, so the amount of information contained within it, will be quite vast!
Here is a very shortened list!
- Details about your Divine Soul Blueprint – who you are as a soul
- Details about your Divine Gifts and abilities
- Information about your Soul profile, including information about your Spirit Guide Team
- Karmic lessons, completed, pending, and created
- Blocks and restrictions which may be affecting you in your present life
- Information about your relationships
- Your intentions, actions and goals
- Your thoughts, emotions and desires
Why would I want to know what’s in my Akashic records?
Accessing your Akashic records can be very helpful in helping you to understand and gain more insight around a specific problem you’re having in your life.
For example, if you’re constantly finding yourself in dead-end relationships, a Soul Realignment Relationship reading can shed light on why you keep finding yourself in this situation.
Accessing the records doesn’t prevent you from experiencing challenges though – but having insight into why they are happening will definitely help you to deal with them in a more constructive way.
I should note here that the information will receive will be what you need to know – not necessarily what you want to know, so just keep that in mind! Sometimes we just want to know what the ending looks like, but you’re not likely to find that when your records are accessed!
Why am I talking about the Akashic records?
Since I accessed my own Akashic records back in 2019 I’ve been interested to know more about them and have read various books and completed training on how to access them myself.
Updated 12 December 2022: Now that I am a Soul Realignment Practitioner, I find I’m practically living in the Akashic Records library, and I have to say, it’s an incredible and eye-opening experience!
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