Today we’re going to walk through a Between Lives Regression that I facilitated for a client who I had regressed previously, and here we chat to a warrior. We begin this regression by taking him to his “sanctuary” before I guide him to enter the magical pyramid that will take him back through time.
Our first stop is within a past life that may have some relevance to some of the questions my client would like to have answered.
The castle
We first find ourselves within the walls of a castle. My client is a boy, looking after the royal horses.
He wears leather sandals on his feet and is wearing white, short robes. He is lean, fit, and not very big. The weather is warm as he walks, leading the horses behind him.
He has no fear of horses and is very comfortable working with them.
His home
The boy is an orphan and lives alone in a simple hut, located near the stables. He eats a simple lunch of bread, and feels healthy and strong. He’s content with his life, and likes that it’s nice and simple. People call him “Boy” when referring to him by name.
As he grows older
We fast forward a few years in this life where he is now a grown man, and a powerful warrior. He sits on his horse, feeling proud of his accomplishments.
He sees buggies – like chariots – being drawn by both horses and men.
He tells me that having a horse is prestigious – you have to be of superior status to own a horse as he does.
He feels as though he has achieved his goal in life.
The death scene
We fast forward to the time of his death, and we find him lying on the ground with three arrows embedded in the left side of his chest.
He is in a foreign land, and his men stand around him as he dies while only in his 30s.
As he leaves his body, the pain disappears, and he knows he is going “home”.
He ponders his latest mission and thinks how pointless it was to conquer this land, and feels now that he really achieved nothing.
He also ponders how he blindly followed those who were leaders at the time and knows that he should have been his own man, doing what was right.
We go between lives
We are now in the time between lives and he looks like a wizard. He has long hair, but no legs – he floats along, feeling really tall. He wears robes and feels as though he is in space, rising up. He feels powerful.
He describes what he sees, and says “I see white buildings, but they’re not really buildings”.
The Akashic Library
We pass through a wall into a library, and we’re greeted by a librarian. There are rows and rows of books, as far as the eye can see!
He knows exactly which book is his, and he asks the librarian to bring it to him.
The book is big and old. He reviews the book and discusses his life lesson from the previous life lived. He learns that there is nothing wrong with the simple life, but he also reveals that he doesn’t feel as though he really accomplished anything. He did not experience love. He was revered by many, but definitely not loved.
Choosing lives
We then get taken to the “place” where he is choosing the details of the next life, and his soul mate, Alexandra (from a previous life) helps him.
He also ponders other lives lived, such as one where he came to earth to monitor the human race, and a life on another planet where he lived in a triangular tower, like a temple. He lived with the elders, and they were attempting to help earth in some way.
Where he lived with the elders, no disease existed – in fact, things were quite sterile, with no trees.
As we go back to discussing how he decided to choose his current life, he tells me he feels curious about what’s to come as he ponders this life. He knows he needs to reincarnate relatively quickly, as he has made a promise to a family member from a past life that he will return to help him.
He feels detached from his future mother, as it’s his father he is coming back to help.
His purpose in this next life is to learn about love – nothing else matters.
Skipping into the future
He tells me that things are “not transactional”. Money just appears as you need it. Love can be given and received freely, and he feels as though he is now allowed to receive love in order to truly prosper and have a good life.
We look at the relationship he has with his wife, and it is revealed that he and his wife are together for love – not for power or for money.
He sees his future home in this lifetime, and it is as he has been dreaming of, which he is pleased to see! I ask him when he is moving there. He says “Soon!”.
Final learnings from this between lives regression
He has no outstanding soul contracts to clear and is told he must have fun in this lifetime, and is reminded that he is worthy of love and must enjoy receiving it from now on.
The past life he was shown is a reminder of what can be missing without love.
The final message is to “relax and it will happen”. He must stay out of the “how” from now on!
What do to if a past life regression interests you
If you’re interested in experiencing the fascinating world of your own past lives first-hand, then a past life regression is not only a trip into your past lives, but also a chance for deep healing too.
In this post, I’ve talked to you about a Between Lifes Regression, which is a more advanced type of regression, that you can book after you’ve successfully experienced a Past Life Regression.
This type of regression takes you back to a past life, and then into the time between the past life and your next incarnation. This type of regression is great for those wishing to gain more insight and guidance from their spirit guides, higher self, or spiritual elders.
Book your Past Life Regression
Experience it for yourself first-hand!
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