Unable to find love? This is why!
Are you unable to find love? There are several reasons why that is, and today I am going to see if I can help you to begin the process of stepping onto that path of love in an empowered way!
We only have a few minutes together, so at the bottom I have included a free offer that I know will help you to turn your love life around by resolving one of the reasons I’m about to cover!
Reason #1 why you’re unable to find love
I am going to hit you with the biggest reason first, but also the easiest one to start the process of turning things around! Why you’re unable to find love is simply because you’re not vibrationally aligned with having it!
It’s like you’re on the “love bus”, and it’s steering you well away from anyone who even remotely looks like your perfect match!
What sucks is that you don’t even realise it’s happening!
This vibrational misalignment is driving that bus, and it will continue to steer you away from finding love for as long as you are vibrationally misaligned to your desire for love.
I’ll talk more about how to turn this around, in a moment.
Reason #2 why you’re unable to find love
It was after my second marriage ended that I realised I was the common element. While my husbands weren’t faultless, I had created this experience in my life somehow, and I wanted to understand why.
And so my research began!
Here’s what I found out: I was too much in my masculine!!!
I was very much in my masculine in my early relationships, and I had no idea I was doing it. This tendency to be in our masculine comes from several sources, such as:
- Our mothers may have been this way;
- We are insecure so we step into the masculine role as a way to maintain control;
- We just don’t know any better!
I used to envy the women around me who would share stories of their wonderful men and how they doted on them. They would receive gifts and loving messages. Even during the times I was married, I never experienced anything like this!
Until I learned what I was doing wrong!
Here’s how to tell if you’re in your masculine:
- You’re the action-oriented one
- You plan all of your outings
- You make the decisions
- You’re the giver
We ALL need to take on masculine traits at times in our work, to plan an event, or to run a household. Otherwise, things just wouldn’t get done.
But in your relationships, ladies, this is where you get to be the girl! When you step into your feminine, everything changes – I know this from my own personal experience!
When you’re in your masculine, men are automatically turned off – and most have no idea why this has happened! Men are biologically wired to take care of us, but when we take over their role, they are turned off and they give up trying.
More on this in a later post because this is a HUGE topic.
Reason #3 why you’re unable to find love
I’m sure there’s more than 3 reasons why you’re unable to find love, but these would be the top 3 from my experience. The third reason why you’re unable to find love is this:
You’re not listening to your inner voice.
A very long time ago I found myself dating a guy who I had known for a while, and despite this teeny tiny little voice in my head telling me “He’s not the one!” I allowed the relationship to progress. Then one day, out of the blue, he ended it.
I was really upset by this breakup, but later on, looking back, I could see that the breakup was the best thing to have happened.
But I’m stubborn and I don’t listen, so I found myself in a similar situation several more times before I finally learned to listen to that inner voice and act on it immediately!
You see, our intuition or higher self is looking after us and wants the best for us, and these subtle messages are coming through to help steer us in the right direction. But if you’re stubborn and don’t pay attention, you end up being dumped on your backside, or you have to dump a perfectly nice man, and break his heart! Not good.
How to find love – your next steps
Today we’ve talked about 3 of the reasons why you’ve been unable to find love:
- You’re not vibrationally aligned with it;
- You’re too much in your masculine; and
- You’re not listening to your inner voice.
There are dozens of other reasons why you may be unable to find love, but from my experience, these were the top 3, and the #1 reason is 100% your vibrational alignment – every time!
So how do you create a shift so that you can find love? Here are some ideas:
- Shift your vibrational alignment. The best way to do this is through the manifesting process I teach in my free course (see below).
- Observe when you’re in “doing mode”, and “being the guy”, and stop yourself right there. No decent, masculine man wants a woman like that. He wants to nurture and cherish her – if she lets him!
- Start listening to that inner voice! If it comes through with fear, ignore it. But if it’s matter-of-fact like, then take note of what the voice is saying.
Manifestation Decoded
As I write this I am in the process of creating a relationship program that’s aimed at any woman wanting to find love. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, it’s going to be for you and it will literally change your life!
So for now, given it’s not ready for launch yet, I’d suggest checking out the Manifestation Decoded course, which is a freebie I recently created.
The focus of this course is on your vibrational alignment, and while it doesn’t go nearly as deep as the relationship course will, it’ll definitely help you on your way!
Check it out!
Your ultimate guide to shaping your reality
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