If you’ve always wondered why many people don’t achieve their goals, then you are about to be enlightened!
Manifesting is by far one of my most favourite topics. I have studied just about every manifesting method out there. What’s been missing from my studies is what I am about to explain to you today. This will explain why many people don’t achieve their goals.
So… why is it that so many people don’t achieve their goals?
Before I explain why this is, I think I need to first explain how manifesting works.
How manifesting works
Many people think manifesting is hard, but it’s actually very simple. We’re manifesting new, physical outcomes every time we take a new, physical action.
There are three elements to manifesting, and I have coined a process called my “TEAM Formula”. The TEAM formula is a simple, actionable formula so you can get started manifesting what you want. In a nutshell, T+E+A=M.
Let me explain this formula in more detail. I will use a practical example to help you to understand how to apply it…
The TEAM Formula
T = Thoughts: Your thoughts are the first element to manifesting. What you think about is extremely important, because it shows you where your focus is. Are you focused on your goals, or are you focused on your problems? What you need to do right now, is to first come up with, then think about what you desire. Also think about what you’re grateful for. Do the gratitude part as often as you can. When you notice your mind slipping into negative thoughts, stop yourself. Then bring into your mind a vision of that desire being achieved!
E = Emotions: Your emotions are the fuel that adds power to your thoughts. This is an important point. You can just as easily add power to a negative thought as you can to a positive one! So if you catch yourself feeling a negative emotion, acknowledge it. Remind yourself that this negative emotion is not serving you. Then switch your thoughts (and your emotions!) to something positive. Think about your desire, and how you will feel once you have achieved that desire. Feel the gratitude of reaching your goal!
A = Action: Without this third element, you cannot create a new experience. Without this essential element, you’re going to remain stuck in the status quo. If status quo isn’t where you want to be, then it’s time to take some new actions. These must align with your thoughts and your emotions – assuming they’re both aligned with your desire!
M = Manifestation: The manifestation happens when your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions align with each other. This will always happen – there is no way around this. And this is why it’s so important to make sure that the first three elements of this formula are aligned with what you want, and not aligned with what you do not want!
Why many people don’t achieve their goals
So now we get to the reason why many people don’t achieve their goals. There are actually a few reasons why, and I’ll cover two of the main ones now.
Reason #1: Misalignment with the TEAM Formula
Your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions must be aligned with your desire for it to manifest in your physical reality. If your thoughts are off, your emotions are off, or your actions are off, you cannot manifest that thing that you want.
Each of these elements has a vibrational frequency, and to manifest what you desire, you must be in vibrational alignment with that thing. Vibrational alignment happens when your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions align with your desire.
Many of us flit from one thought to another, one emotion to another, or from one action to another. We are constantly shifting between various vibrational states, and if we allow ourselves to remain in a vibrational state that doesn’t align with our desires, then the desires will not manifest – or if they do, they won’t stick around for long!
The key here is to make sure you are in alignment most of the time, giving more power to what you want, and less power to what you don’t want.
Reason #2: Giving up when the sh*t hits the fan
I’ve read many stories of people who gave up on their dreams because life got so “messy” that they took it as a reason to give up and change direction.
This reason is the main reason I decided to share this information today, because I recently found myself in the midst of such “mess”. Luckily for me, I understand how manifesting works, so I knew this mess, as painful and frustrating as it was, it was a good sign that I had created a vibrational shift into closer alignment with my goal.
Case study for Reason #2
Sally is in a relationship with Steve, and things aren’t going so great. She desires to have a happy and loving relationship with a man who loves and cherishes her. In her mind, she’s hoping that it will be Steve who becomes that man who loves and cherishes her, but right now, things are pretty bad. He ignores her most of the time, he doesn’t appreciate anything she does, and he constantly criticises her.
Sally begins by aligning her thoughts and emotions with having this ideal relationship, and visualises a scene where Steve is bringing her flowers, or giving her a neck massage. She really gets deep into this visualisation, feeling the gratitude of having this relationship turn out the way it has.
Because Sally has been through an Akashic Records reading with me, she knows that there are some specific actions she will need to take to make this desire a reality.
So Sally decides on the following actions, which are based on how she is specifically wired to create (this is important if you want to fast-track your results!):
- Sally starts by watching YouTube videos for real life love stories, and watches them daily.
- Sally’s visualisations are of future desired scenes of how her daily life is (not necessarily of the outcome as such, but what her life has become as a result of achieving her desire).
- She books herself in for a massage, a pedicure or a manicure every two weeks.
- Sally reads books on how others have managed to fix their relationship problems, to get some ideas of what she can apply in her own life.
- She tunes into her intuition, acting on inspired nudges to take certain actions, as they come in.
- She maintains her focus on what she WANTS.
Sally had never taken any of these actions (or anything like them) before, which is really important here. If you’re simply taking an action that’s nothing more than a new version of an old action, then you’re not going to see much (or any) change.
Within 12 hours, Sally finds out she just won a prize in a raffle. She’s never won anything before, so she’s thrilled! This is her first lot of feedback! Although it has nothing to do with Sally’s relationship, it’s a positive sign that she’s heading in the right direction. The fact that her actions aligned with her Manifesting Blueprint helps!
Sally keeps going with her thoughts, her emotions, and her new actions, and within a few days something “bad” happened. She had a HUGE fight with Steve. It was the worst fight they’ve ever had.
If we now fast forward a few weeks, Sally and Steve broke up. The fight caused damage that was well beyond repair, and on the surface, it looked as though Sally’s manifesting efforts had failed. So she stopped the thoughts, the emotions, and the actions for this reason.
This is why many people don’t achieve their goals
Many people don’t achieve their goals because they give up as soon as the sh*t hits the fan. But the reality is that it’s this crappy (pardon the pun!) situation that is a sign that everything is going RIGHT!
Why is this? Well… when we start off, we’re at a specific level of vibrational alignment. When we look at our lives in that moment and we see what and whom is in our life, we know that we are in vibrational alignment to them. This is because you cannot have anything in your life that you’re not vibrationally aligned to.
The fact that Sally and Steve had a fight that caused the ending of their relationship was a sign that Steve wasn’t willing (or able) to come along for the ride Sally was taking, to shift her vibrational alignment with the loving and nurturing relationship she desired.
He wasn’t able to treat her the way she wanted to be treated, so he literally needed to “drop off” or “deselect” from her life so that room would be freed up to allow her desire to come to her.
Thankfully I was able to talk Sally through this and she went back to following the TEAM Formula, and within a couple of months, after many little snippets of “feedback” along the way, some of which required a course-correction as we worked together, she was able to manifest the relationship of her dreams!
Next steps
I could go on all day about this stuff, but of course you have things to do (and so do I!), so I shall leave you with this:
If you truly want to manifest change in your life, then you must apply the TEAM Formula every single day, as a start, and preferably with aligned desires and actions, so that you don’t veer off track too much!
If you’d like somebody to guide you along the way, visit my Work With Me page for information about how I could help you to manifest your dream come true!
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