There’s something to be said about integrity
A week ago, a mentor of mine put up a post on Facebook that really got me thinking.
The world is crazy at the moment and many of us are seeing things we don’t want to see, but could this be as Doug says? Could it be that we are creating this in our external reality due to what’s going on inside us?
Here’s what he said:
The past 2 years have really exposed how deceitful and toxic the world has become. Media and government thinking it’s ok to blatantly lie to our faces.
Douglas Peacock
As one of my spiritual teachers said “The external world is an outward expression of what is going on within ourselves.”
So this raises the question: Where are you lying and being deceitful? Is it to yourself or others or maybe both?
To answer this we can look at our integrity to Self and others.
Do you do what you say you are going to do or do you make excuses…
If we are honest with ourselves we will acknowledge we may have work to do.
Purity comes through integrity.
So starting today, monitor your thoughts, your words, and your energy, and determine where your focus really is.
If it’s on the stuff going on in the world that you do not want, it’s time to shift that focus back onto what you do want. And the more you make that shift, the sooner your external world will begin to reflect more of what you want and less of what you don’t want.
It’s so easy to get caught up in what’s going on around you, so you’re going to need to be disciplined, but it will be completely worth it!
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