The power of gratitude
It is very hard to feel gratitude when your whole life seems to be falling apart, but it’s at that time when gratitude is the most important.
You see, when you are focused on what’s going wrong, you’re subconsciously sending a message out to the Universe to keep delivering more of what’s going wrong! Now that seems kind of “wrong”, doesn’t it??
It’s true! But the opposite is also true!
When you are focused on all of the things in your life that you feel grateful for, guess what the Universe is hearing? It’s hearing “Please send me more things to feel grateful for!”. Now THIS is a much better message to be sending out there!
It can be really hard to shift into a feeling of gratitude when you feel as though life sucks, but trust me, it’s the best way to attract more of what you do want, instead of what you don’t want.
I’ve been working with a few people lately who are holding onto energies which connect them to a vision of themselves being sick. When talking to these people I can see that they’ve got this “I am sick” energy about them, and I can see these coloured “blobs” in their energy fields which confirm this message they’ve been sending out to the Universe. The more energy the person gives to these “blobs”, the more likely they’re going to manifest into something physical, as the person’s vibration begins to align with the sickness.
The same goes for financial issues, weight issues, or any other aspect of your life that you can think of.
So it’s time to set up your gratitude journal!
- Buy yourself a notebook – it doesn’t matter what type, as long as you can write down what you feel grateful for each day
- Every morning (or night if your mornings are too rushed), write down at least 5 things you are grateful for that day
- While writing, feel as much gratitude as you can for each item
- During the day, keep an eye out for more items to write in your gratitude journal next time
- Set a reminder to do this every single day!
So… what message are you sending the Universe every day? Do you need to make some changes in order to get a different result? If so, you know what to do!
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