If you want to know about the power of a “pretend” miracle, then keep reading! This post and others I’ve written like it, have the power to change lives!
If you’re struggling in any area of your life, no matter what it is, this post may help you to turn things around. A miracle, even if it’s pretend, will do things to your energy field and vibration, unlike anything you could think of!
If you’re following my posts about A Course In Miracles, there is a post (I put it up shortly before this one) which talks about our thoughts and how they’re not “neutral”. This means that every single thing we think has the power to create our reality. This is a very important lesson in the course, because it’s teaching us that thoughts literally create things! Which leads me to the next part of this post…
Some background
Some time ago I was watching a recording of Dr Joe Dispenza, and he was talking about how he helps people to regain their health using the power of their mind.
He said words to the effect of: “You have to become that person who has what you want, before you can have what you want.” In this case he was talking about having good health.
Those words caused something to click in my mind. It made complete sense! It also helped me to understand why so many of us stay stuck in our struggles, whether they be health, financial, relationship, career, or whatever! We always seem to be focused on what’s wrong or missing, and not purely on what we want.
Dr D’s words continued to run through my mind and so I committed to keeping a closer eye on my thoughts, words and actions, to see if I could find a pattern.
What became very clear to me during this time is that my reality was 100% a reflection of my vibration in that moment! THIS is powerful!
What did I do with this knowledge?
I went on a little journey to work out exactly how I could “become the person who has what I want”, and I wrote down all of the steps as I worked through this process and I created some awesome course content! I then began to apply this to my own life – to make sure it works!
I have to admit that I’ve not been perfect, but I’m certainly thinking about things differently when compared to before I started, and the shifts in my reality have been nothing short of amazing!
I am well aware that I haven’t had a lot of fun stuff happening in my life until recently, so I wanted to change that, pronto!
How do I become the person who has what I want?
Here’s where we get to understand the power of a “pretend” miracle! I’ve outlined some of the steps I have followed in order to make my energetic shift. The course I created will take this into a lot more detail with additional information and steps to help you along, but if you commit to applying the steps I’ve outlined below, you will absolutely see some positive changes.
Are you ready? Here are the steps!
- Determine where you’re at in relation to the aspect of your life that you wish to change. Rate it out of 10, with 1 being that aspect of your life completely sucks, and 10 being that it’s exactly where you wish for it to be.
- Write down what a 10/10 rating would look like in relation to this aspect of your life. What would your days, weeks or months look like if this aspect of your life was at a 10/10? Write this down in great detail – it’s important you get very clear on this!
- Pretend that last night, while you were sleeping, a miracle happened and all of a sudden that aspect of your life was a 10/10! Yay! Now go about your day, pretending it really happened! How do you feel emotionally? How do you carry yourself when you walk? What do you do as this person who has just experienced the miracle??
Now, BE that person for the next week and be sure to journal about your experience daily – this is an important step and it will allow you to see on paper how you are progressing toward that actual 10/10 in that aspect of your life.
One last step
You MUST have fun with this! If it’s not fun it won’t be worth doing. So find ways to make it fun, or just be in the moment, pretending that wonderful miracle has happened, and you’re loving your life and feeling joy and wonder about how great life can be!
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