The power of a Life Situation Reading
There is nothing not to love about a Life Situation Reading, but I could be a little biased!
Maybe your pool pump isn’t working, you’re fighting with your neighbours, money is tight, your weight is starting to bother you, and your kids are driving you crazy!
In a Life Situation Reading, I’ll get to the bottom of why these things are happening in your life. These things are usually caused by blocks and restrictions in your Soul Profile, and I will address and clear each one so that your life can begin to flow with ease again.
But… you don’t get let off that easy! There will be some conscious effort required by you (which is one of the reasons why I love this modality so much!), to fully embed the clearing work I have already done on your behalf!
What does a Life Situation Reading involve?
When you book your Life Situation Reading, you will be asked a series of questions, one of which will ask you for details of what’s going on in your life right now that you’d like addressed.
You could write me a paragraph or a page – whatever will help me to understand what’s going on for you. And the issues don’t necessarily have to relate to the same life areas. If things in your house keep breaking, you have sinus issues, and your kids are driving you nuts, write that all down!
Before we meet, I will spend up to 2 hours reviewing your Akashic Records to identify details about your Soul Profile (if this is your first reading), and from there I will review each issue along with the blocks and restrictions which may be contributing to each.
What’s really interesting about these readings is that I’m often surprised to learn how seemingly unrelated issues can relate to each other energetically! So your pool pump and your weight could be caused by the exact same blocks or restrictions! Weird huh?
My most favourite aspect of Life Situation Readings is that they dig up sooo much information! Much of this information could come from your past lives, and putting together the story of what happened in that past life is the most fun for me to do, as it’s so fascinating!
Once I have completed my review of your Akashic Records and identified all of the blocks and restrictions which are currently linked to what’s causing you grief, we will get together on a recorded Zoom call so I can present the information to you.
Before we finish up, we will come up with some conscious actions which you will need to take in order to embed the clearing work already done.
You will also receive 21 days of “clearing homework” to do (don’t worry – it’s only a few minutes a day and it’s really easy!) – this homework is kind of like an energy of “permission” that you have given for your Akashic Record to be updated with the clearing work I have completed. It also positively affects you in a subconscious way so that vibrationally you are also more aligned with the clearing.
If you’d like to know more about Soul Realignment, or even a Life Situation Reading, please visit my Soul Realignment page, or Contact Me.
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