Start your day positively!
When you wake up in the morning, you’re kind of a blank slate. You’ve not yet been hit with the challenges and events that may come your way through the day, so first thing in the morning is the best time to choose what kind of day you’re planning to have.
Starting your day with at least one small positive thought (or preferably many), can change your whole day for the better. If you smash your mind with positive words and affirmations as one example, you’re automatically raising your vibration, so any yukky stuff that may come your way won’t affect you as much as it would if you’d not started your day this way.
Some other processes you could follow might be:
- Reading or listening to positive affirmations (as mentioned above)
- Listening to uplifting music
- Writing in your Gratitude Journal
- Pre-paving (I will post about this process soon)
- Listening to motivational or uplifting audios (not necessarily music, but more like the spoken word)
This is a small list, and I know there are many more you could put in place each day to start yourself off in a positive way.
I’ve just found royalty free music, so have been making a series of short videos to practise. I created this affirmations video to see how it would work, and I kind of like it! Some day I’ll add a voice-over to it to make it more powerful, but for now you could read this to yourself before you get out of bed each day, to start your day off right!
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