One basic manifesting technique that you must try today!
If you’re looking for one basic manifesting technique that you must try today, then you’re about to be enlightened! This technique will blow your socks off, and so I suggest you put on your helmet and get ready to unleash the manifesting power that’s been inside you all along!
Before we get started with this basic manifesting technique
Before we get started, I need to make something very clear…
Manifesting isn’t something that you just “do” – it’s something that you “ARE”! You are literally manifesting every time you make a choice (take an action), and every single choice you make will have its own set of consequences (positive or negative).
So today, what I’m going to teach you is about how manifesting works, and the three steps you need to take in order to create a new experience.
What I don’t have in my hand as I tell you this, is a copy of your Soul Blueprint or your Manifesting Blueprint, which means that I won’t be able to tailor this information to you personally, so some tweaks may be required, ok?
How manifesting works
It is really important that you understand how manifesting works, before you go about applying the basic manifesting technique I am about to share. Why I would like you to understand this, is because once you have this knowledge, your awareness of what you’re doing all day, every day, will shift. Once you’ve experienced this shift, you’ll no longer be blindly creating your new experience – you will become much more conscious of what you are creating!
Manifesting is all about vibration. When we talk about the “Law of Attraction”, we’re saying that what you desire has a specific vibration, and if you begin to vibrate at the same frequency as your desire, it has no choice but to manifest into your reality.
So let’s look at an example. I’m no scientist, so these numbers will be way off, but I really just want to demonstrate what’s going on.
Let’s say you would like to buy your dream home. That home is vibrating at 56Hz.
Right now you are personally vibrating at 34Hz.
Because you are not vibrating at 56Hz, you cannot possibly manifest the dream home into your physical experience!
So you decide you really wish to manifest this dream home, and you begin working on your own vibration using a technique that could be similar (or even completely different) to the technique I am about to explain.
Within a few weeks, you are now vibrating at 48Hz. Not quite at 56Hz, but you’re getting there!
What is going to happen during this time, as long as you are able to maintain or continue to increase your vibration, is that you will begin to receive little messages of inspiration into your mind. These could lead to you meeting seemingly random people who will help you to get closer to your dream. Maybe you’re offered a promotion at work which increases your income, or other positive things begin to appear in your reality.
Eventually, once you reach the 56Hz vibration, the house becomes yours (if you still want it)!
It sounds really simple, right? Well… it’s simple, but it’s also not easy! Let me explain…
The Basic Manifesting technique
The basic manifesting technique I’m about to share comes in three parts, and while each part is quite simple to explain, the actual manifesting process can feel extremely uncomfortable, and even HARD for a while.
Let’s get started…
Part 1 – Thoughts
This part is all about your thoughts. Regardless of what your Soul or Manifesting Blueprints contain, it’s important that you get your thoughts under control.
You may start the manifesting process by coming up with what you desire. Is it the dream home? Maybe it’s a promotion, finding the love of your life, or simply having more money? Get clear on what this is, and also determine, using just one word, how it would feel to finally manifest that thing, whatever it may be.
Maybe it’s going to feel like happiness, success, relief, or contentment? This part of the step is important, because next you’re going to be spending a day or two noticing your thoughts, and determining whether they’re “positive” or “negative”. Do these thoughts feel good or feel bad to you? Do they align with happiness, success, relief or contentment?
If not, you’re going to need to make some tweaks!
I suggest that whenever you notice yourself in the midst of a negative thought pattern, to step back in your mind, and shift your focus to the thing you wish to manifest, and to how it will feel to have that thing.
Part 2 – Emotions
Following on from thinking about it and feeling how it will feel to have that thing, it’s time to allow the emotion of manifesting it to flow through your entire being.
When you decided on the word to explain how it would feel to manifest the thing that you desire, it wasn’t for nothing. It’s now time to make sure you’re feeling that exact same emotion, over and over again. Every single day, as many times a day as you can.
This is about truly embracing the emotion of manifesting what you want, and in a way, it’s like you’re tricking your body and mind into thinking it’s already here.
Set reminders in your phone if you have to. When the reminder pops up, recall how you’re feeling. If it’s not the emotion you chose, then drop what you were doing and FEEL that desired emotion as fully as you can.
Part 3 – Action
I have saved the best (and the hardest!) till last! Physical action is the one element that many people in the Law of Attraction community seem to forget about. They think that if they think or visualise what they want and they feel the associated emotions, they’ll be able to manifest what they want.
Oh if only it were that easy! Ha!
Sadly, the only way to manifest a 3D (physical) outcome, is by making a 3D choice and taking action. There is no other way. It’s not just going to land in your lap because you’ve been lying on the couch daydreaming about that thing all day for months!
Right now we’re trying to shift our PHYSICAL vibration so it aligns with the vibration of what we wish to manifest. So if you keep making the same choices, your physical vibration cannot shift. It’s impossible! So you must make new choices to make that shift.
I won’t lie here – taking action can be HARD! Sometimes it feels downright awful!
Sometimes, your action may need to be to remove yourself from a situation (or a person) that doesn’t support your vibrational growth, and I can tell you from my own personal experience, that this can feel extremely scary!
Most people give up at this point. The discomfort is too much for them to bear, so they don’t do anything. For others (and probably the majority), they’re so afraid of making the wrong choice, that again they do nothing – they make no choice at all.
Thankfully I am now equipped with a tool to help me determine if my choice is likely to create a better outcome, but if you’ve not received this information through a reading or coaching program, then you’re literally going in blind, and you will have to work with trial and error.
Some examples of new actions
Before I list the possible new actions you could take in order to shift your vibration into alignment with what you want, it’s important that you understand that these actions may not be in alignment with who YOU are, so I can’t guarantee if these will work for you. I’m simply listing them as a guide to base your decisions on, and nothing more.
I will break these into categories, to make it simpler for you…
You would like to manifest a promotion or a new job
- Update your CV
- Apply for new jobs
- Attend networking events in the industry you wish to work in
- Find a mentor who can give you advice on how to set yourself up to work in such a role
- Put feelers out there – let people know what you’re looking for
- Hire a coach to guide you
You’re looking for love
- Set up an online dating profile – make sure it’s “real”! Don’t use touched up photos – you don’t want your future dates to have expectations of you that you cannot possibly live up to!
- Ramp up your social life – go out with friends more often
- Make sure people know you’re single and looking
- Take care with your personal appearance (this can be subjective)
- Join a hiking group or similar (if you like hiking of course!), to not only get yourself out there and meet new people, but to take care of your fitness too
- Make eye contact when you meet new people – this can be uncomfortable, but very powerful! 😉
You want more money
- Get your finances in order
- Declutter your home – make space for the new money
- Ramp up your business marketing or apply for the promotion
- Act on the intuitive nudges that come to mind (this applies for anything you wish to manifest!)
- Turn off the TV and stop taking notice of the news (you’d be surprised at how much better you will feel about money!)
- Start a gratitude journal
These ideas are tiny drops in an ocean of choices you could possibly make, so please don’t limit yourself to just these. Some may not resonate or may not be in alignment with who you are at Soul-level, so they’re unlikely to create the results you desire.
So use trial and error if you don’t yet have the Soul-level knowledge to know in advance if a choice is truly aligned (or not). And if you don’t have this knowledge, I have a free offer for you!
Do you want some manifesting help?
If this article has resonated with you but you’re still feeling stuck or not sure what to do next, then the little freebie I have on offer might help!
This is your little guide to what it takes to manifest what you want, and it will also help you to understand why you’ve not been able to manifest before, and which qualities you need to bring to the table in order to manifest in a completely new way!
Click on the button below to receive the PDF guide, straight to your inbox!
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