My furbaby grew her angel wings…
“Dogs are small rays of light, caught on earth for a short time, to brighten our days”
Saturday was hard. So very, very hard, and it was a day I never ever want to have to experience ever again.
On Thursday, I took my beloved dog to the vet, and I made the heartbreaking decision to put her to sleep. Her little legs were giving way more regularly, her organs were starting to malfunction, and she was clearly in pain, whimpering every time she needed to shift positions. The vet agreed that it was the kindest thing I could do for my little baby girl. Ugh!
So on Saturday, with my two daughters and my wonderful husband by my side, we said our goodbyes as Fluffy peacefully slipped away while lying in her favourite spot on the couch.
I’m not sure what I would have done without my husband Laurie. He prepared the spot for her burial while I was picking up the girls. This made things so much easier for us. We planted three lavender plants in Fluffy’s honour, and now we have a living reminder of the almost 17 wonderful years we had with her.
Fluff has been with me through so much, especially over the last 10 years, and I’m not sure how I would have coped without her by my side or under my feet!
There were many moments when I just felt like the world was against me, but yet there she was every single day, adoring me like no other. I am so grateful for her and what she did for me, especially during the tough times.
Yes she was annoying sometimes, and yes, she was stinky. But she was my annoying and stinky baby with weird long legs, and I loved her to bits. I also know she’s not “gone” as such, but I’m still coming to terms with not being able to snuggle with her or give her a scratch behind the ears. I know things will feel better in time though.
On Friday night I downloaded almost every photo and video ever taken of her and put it all together into one video to honour my little Fluff. It’s 30 minutes long and most won’t want ti sit through it, but it felt good for me to put this together and share it with the world. This is the least I can do for my little Fluffster who did so much more for me.
Rest in peace, baby girl. I love you so much. 💔 🐾
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