Lesson 3: I do not understand anything I see…
Today’s ACIM lesson has been referred to in Pam Grout’s book as “Sneaking past the bouncer of my limited thinking”! The Course itself has this lesson titled as “I do not understand anything I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place]”.
Ok, so this didn’t really make sense to me at first, but keep reading, because I think I worked it out, thanks to Pam!
Explaining Lesson 3
The “bouncer” is actually our limiting beliefs about the world. He’s trying to block all of the joy, peace, and all of the lovely stuff in this world that the Universe wishes to provide, and he usually succeeds!
Our old beliefs could be dominated by fear, separation and limitation, and like the bouncer, they’re strong! And because our brains look for proof of our beliefs, we literally shut out anything else that doesn’t match that belief.
So this lesson is about undoing those beliefs, and opening ourselves up to other possibilities by pushing Mr Bouncer aside!
Today’s task
Today we’re being asked to understand that what we may believe to be true, may not, in fact, be true. So we begin by looking around the room that we’re in for a minute or so and we say “I do not understand this desk”, “I do not understand this cat”, “I do not understand this laptop”, and so on. Do this indiscriminately for a minute or so and you’ve passed today’s lesson!
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