Today’s ACIM lesson is all about “attacking” thoughts, which I perceive to be “negative” thoughts. These thoughts could be toward yourself or others, and neither will serve you well. We touched on a similar idea a little while ago.
What’s also interesting about this lesson is that it’s telling us that nothing can “attack” you except your thoughts, and it’s only your thoughts which can make it so.
Pam’s thoughts
Pam’s book kicks off this lesson with an incredibly powerful quote:
If you could observe the physiological changes that take place in your body when you’re in negative states, you would stop immediately. ~ Eckhart Tolle
Pam also references the “Stop it!” video (see link or below).
Pam says that if we’re thinking negative thoughts, the last thing we want is for somebody to tell us to “stop it!”. Instead we often get caught up in our negative thinking and it grows and spirals until you’re at a point where it’s taken over.
And of course here lies your problem!
Today’s exercise
This exercise might help you to understand my interpretation better…
First, name the situation:
I am concerned about _________.
Then go over every possible outcome that has occurred to you in that connection and which has caused you concern, referring to each one quite specifically, saying:
I am afraid _________ will happen.
You should come up with around five or six (or more) possibilities for the second part.
After you have named each outcome of which you are afraid, tell yourself:
That thought is an attack upon myself.
Conclude each practice period by repeating today’s idea to yourself once more.
What this all means
So… it’s time to watch those thoughts and those words, becuase if they’re not “positive”, they’re likely causing you harm!
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