A Course In Miracles explains this lesson using a lot of words which frankly left me scratching my head. When I turned to Pam’s book however, the lesson begins with a quote from ACIM, which is:
“Do not bend reality to your tiny experience or limit its purpose to your little personal thoughts.”
This kind of helped me to understand the lesson. Kind of…
Here’s what I think
My thinking is that this lesson is implying that we often bend our reality to match our perception. If we perceive a phone to be used for calling someone, then that’s what it’s for, according to our perception or our belief about phones.
But the phone could also be used to squish a bug, right??
Whatever the perception, thought or belief we choose, this becomes the reality we ultimately create.
And if we limit ourselves to what’s in our brain or what we’ve experienced, we’re totally missing out on any perceptions or ideas that the Universe might be able to suggest!
Get out of your head
Whenever I am working with a client who’s trying to come up with a solution to a problem, the first thing I suggest is to “Get out of your head…”. The reason I tell them this is that our thinking brains can only give us a tiny fraction of every solution available out there. So if you choose to get out of your head and tap into “all that is”, you are literally opening yourself up to limitless solutions and opportunities!
What Pam thinks
Pam Grout says that any time she thinks she’s figured something out, any time she believes she’s found the route to this intention or that dream, she promptly proceeds to get in her own way.
Today’s exercise
In this exercise we’re asked to find 2 minutes, 6 times per day to do this one.
Look about you and repeat the following, replacing each item with what you see:
I do not know what this chair is for.
I do not know what this pencil is for.
I do not know what this hand is for.
Say this slowly, without shifting your eyes from the subject until you have completed the statement about it. Then move onto the next.
Applying this lesson to real life
Whenever you find yourself pondering a challenge, the first thing you need to do is get out of your head. Focus on your feet or another part of your body.
Next, put an intention “out there”, stating that you are facing this challenge and that you would love for the most appropriate solution to come to you when it is supposed to.
From there, “listen” for the nudges, feel the inspiration that drops into your mind, really allow these messages to flow, for they will provide the solution you are searching for!
The key is to allow the solutions to flow in – you do not need to go out and “find” them.
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