Lesson 16 – I have no neutral thoughts
Lesson 16 of A Course In Miracles is about dispelling the belief that our thoughts have no effect on our lives. But what’s true is that not only do they have a huge effect on our lives, they actually create our reality.
Contrary to popular belief, our reality is not the cause of our thoughts. It’s the other way around! Our thoughts create our reality, and there are no exceptions to this rule.
What does Pam say?
Pam Grout says in her book, “My every thought either furthers the illusion (the meaningless) or if furthers the truth that, rather than face reality, I actually create reality.”
This is such a powerful thing for you to know, because this will help you to understand that every single thought you think is shaping how your day, your week, your year or even your life, is going to be!
Today’s exercise
In the Course, it says to repeat the following idea to yourself, then as each thought crosses your mind, hold it in awareness while you tell yourself:
This thought about ___ is not a neutral thought.
That thought about ___ is not a neutral thought.
It suggests that you use today’s idea whenever you are aware of a particular thought that arouses uneasiness in you. You might also want to repeat the following, when this happens:
This thought about ___ is not a neutral thought, because I have no neutral thoughts.
Thoughts create things
It’s a well-known fact within the Law of Attraction community that our thoughts create our reality (or things), so this isn’t a new concept for me. In fact, this lesson made sense before I even turned to Pam’s book (go me!).
The first few lessons of the Course have been designed to “erase” all meaningless thoughts, and to create space for things that ARE true. If it feels like ease, grace, or connection, then your thoughts are heading in the right direction! If not, the Course will help you to get on track, rewiring your mind to think in a very different way!
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