Lesson 14 of A Course In Miracles brings up “the G word” (God), and for all of you out there that don’t believe in “God” as such, that’s perfectly ok! I don’t either – I call it “The Universe” or “The Higher Power” or whatever.
I’m not religious, so although I find that the Course tends to have several religious connotations, the messages are well beyond that. This is a good thing because if it wasn’t for the incredible lessons, I probably wouldn’t even pick up the book!
Ok, so let’s get back to it!
I needed Pam’s help again with this lesson, which simply teaches us that anything that bothers you, upsets you, makes you feel angry or sad, and doesn’t feel wonderful and amazing, is nothing more than an illusion you have concocted!
What this lesson also teaches us is that we have the power to make any yukky illusions disappear!
Here’s what the Course says to do
Before you repeat the following, remember you can replace “God” with whatever term you use, ok? Also, listed here are just examples, so you’re free to replace these examples with your own. Here goes!
God did not create that war, and so it is not real.
God did not create that plane crash, and so it is not real.
God did not create that disaster [specify], and so it is not real.
Finish of with:
God did not create a meaningless world.
In addition to the above, if you find yourself feeling upset/disturbed by something, repeat this:
God did not create a meaningless world. He did not create [specify the situation which is disturbing you], and so it is not real.
What this means in real life
This lesson again reminds us that the meaning we are applying to situations is completely made up. So if you find yourself feeling “disturbed” by what you’ve seen on the news for example, it is implying that you’re allowing something that is not real, to disturb you.
I know I know… these lessons don’t make any sense, but they will in time! And what you will also notice in time is that the events of the world or in your personal life will stop affecting you so much. You’ll see them as they are – nothing more than a perspective you have placed on them.
Instead of seeing a tragedy in the way the media wants to portray, I take a step back and I ask myself, “I wonder why those people have chosen to come in and experience this event in this lifetime…” and while the event may still seem horrible, it takes the edge off it for me as I attempt to understand why this has happened, and what involvement their souls had in making this happen.
It’s certainly something to ponder!
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